mercredi 30 décembre 2015



Ngày 13 tháng 09 năm 1935, trong lúc cầu nguyện, chị Faustina nhận được một thị kiến: Một thiên thần được Chúa sai đến để trừng phạt một thành nọ. Chị bèn xin Chúa dủ lòng thương tha cho dân thành, nhưng lời cầu nguyện của chị xem ra bất lực. Bổng chị thấy Thiên Chúa Ba Ngôi và đồng thời cảm nhận được quyền năng ân sủng của Chúa Giêsu trong tâm hồn chị, và củng thấy chính mình đang cầu nguyện với Chúa Cha trong lời lẽ này: “Lạy Cha Hằng Hữu, con xin dâng Cha mình máu, linh hồn và Thiên Tính của con yêu dấu Cha là Đức Giêsu Kitô, Chúa chúng con, để đền bù tội lỗi chúng con và tội lỗi toàn thế giới (476). Đang lúc cầu nguyện theo lời Chúa dạy, thì chị thấy thiên thần tỏ ra bất lực, và không còn thi hành được sự trừng phạt nữa.

Ngày hôm sau trước khi vô nhà nguyện, chị lại được nghe tiếng nói dạy chị đọc lời nguyện hôm trước mà Chúa gọi là: “cách lần hạt”. Từ đó chị đọc không ngừng, đặc biệt cho các linh hồn hấp hối. Chúa nói: ”Con hãy thúc giục các linh hồn đọc chuỗi hạt này Cha dạy cho con (1541). Bất cứ ai đọc nó sẽ được sự thương xót dồi dào vào giờ chết (687). Khi các con đọc chuổi hạt này cho kẻ sắp chết, Ta sẽ đứng giữa Cha Ta và kẻ lâm chung, không phải với tư cách Quan Toà, nhưng với tư cách là vị cứu tinh tràn đầy Lòng Thương Xót (1541). Các linh mục hãy giới thiệu chuỗi hạt này cho các tội nhân, vì đó là hy vọng cuối cùng của họ. Cho dù tội nhân nào hết sức chai đá cứng lòng cách mấy, nếu kẻ ấy chịu đọc chuỗi này chỉ một lần thôi, thì sẽ nhận được ân huệ từ lòng thương xót vô biên của Ta (687). Qua chuỗi hạt này, các con sẽ nhận được bất cứ sự gì, miễn điều này các con xin hợp ý muốn của Ta“ (1731).

Về cách sử dụng chuỗi hạt, Chúa Giêsu nói: “Mỗi lần vào nhà nguyện, hãy lập tức lần chuỗi này. Kinh đó sẽ làm nguôi cơn thịnh nộ của Ta. Con hãy đọc kinh đó trong 9 ngày (Tuần cửu nhật). Cách sử dụng như sau:


1) Trước hết hãy đọc:

Kinh Lạy Cha, Kinh Kính Mừng, Kinh Tin Kính

2) Tiếp theo, hãy đọc lời nguyện sau đây:
(ở những hạt lớn, thay cho Kinh Lạy Cha)

“Lạy Cha Hằng Hữu, con xin dâng lên Cha Mình và Máu, Linh Hồn và Thần Tính của Con rất yêu dấu Cha là Đức Giêsu Kitô, Chúa chúng con”
“Để đền vì tội lỗi chúng con và toàn thế giới”

3) Khi gặp 10 hạt nhỏ đọc:

“Vì cuộc Khổ nạn đau thương của Chúa Giêsu Kitô”
“Xin Cha thương xót chúng con và toàn thế giới”

4) Kết thúc sau 5 chục, đọc 3 lần:

“Lạy Đấng Chí Thánh, Là Thiên Chúa Toàn Năng Hàng Hữu,”

“Xin Cha thương xót chúng con và toàn thế giới”

Chuỗi Hạt Lòng Thương Xót này đã làm bao nhiêu được phép lạ cho kẻ có tội và sắp chết ăn năn trở lại, như cuốn nhật ký đã ghi lại.

Chúa nói với chị Faustina rằng: “Con luôn luôn an ủi Ta khi con cầu nguyện cho các linh hồn tội lỗi. Lời cầu nguyện làm hài lòng Ta nhất là – lời cầu nguyện cho kẻ có tội ăn năn trở lại. Con biết không, đây là lời cầu xin luôn luôn được Ta nghe và nhậm lời“.

Vào dịp khác Chúa lại nói: “Ta muốn con hiểu rằng, tinh yêu cháy nóng trong trái tim Ta vì thương các linh hồn, con dư hiểu điều này khi con suy gẫm cuộc thương khó của Ta. Hãy kêu Lòng Thương Xót của Ta cho các tội nhân, vì Ta khao khát phần rỗi họ. Khi con đọc lời nguyện sau đây với một tấm lòng ăn năn và niềm tin cho một tội nhân nào đó – Ta sẽ ban cho họ được ơn trở lại: “Ôi Máu và Nước, tuôn ra từ trái tim Chúa Giêsu là nguồn mạch lòng Chúa thương xót, chúng con trông cậy nơi Ngài“

Phạm Anh chuyển

Kinh Cầu Xin Lòng Thương Xót Chúa:
Ôi Thiên Chúa, Đấng đầy lòng trắc ẩn, Đấng duy nhất tốt lành, con chạy đến van xin lòng thương xót Chúa, mặc dầu sự khốn nạn của con rất to lớn và việc xúc phạm con lại quá nhiều, con vẫn tín thác vào tình thương Chúa – bởi vì Chúa là Đấng xót thương. Từ xưa tới nay, con chưa từng nghe một người nào tín thác vào lòng thương xót Chúa mà bị thất vọng.
Ôi Thiên Chúa từ bi, chỉ mình Chúa mới phán xét con. Chúa không bao giờ từ chối khi con thống hối ăn năn chạy tới lòng thương xót Chúa, nơi mà chưa có một linh hồn nào bị từ chối, mặc dù họ là một linh hồn vô cùng tội lỗi, lời Chúa Giêsu, con Cha, đã bảo đảm với con rằng: “Thà rằng trời đất này có biến ra không, nhưng lòng thương xót của Ta luôn ấp ủ mọi linh hồn tín thác.“
Lạy Chúa Giêsu là bạn tri kỷ của những trái tim lẻ loi cô độc, Chúa là thiên đàng, là Đấng Cứu Độ, là niềm an bình trong những giây phút buồn phiền giữa biển hoang mang nghi ngại. Chúa là ánh sáng chiếu soi bước đường con đi. Chúa là tất cả của một linh hồn cô độc. Chúa biết sự yếu mềm của chúng con; và giống như một danh y tốt lành, Chúa an ủi và chữa lành mọi đau đớn của chúng con. Amen

Lima- Callao (Péru 11-2015)

Lima là thủ đô, thành phố lớn nhất của Peru, đồng thời là thủ phủ của tỉnh Lima. Đây là trung tâm văn hoá, công nghiệp, tài chính và giao thông của Peru, nằm tại vùng thung lũng bao quanh cửa sông Chillón, sông Rímacsông Lurín. Thành phố có diện tích 804,3 km² dân số chiếm 2/3 tổng số dân cả nước. Sự tập trung của cải và quyền lực ở Lima càng lớn hơn. Thành phố chiếm 2/3 GDP cũng như thu thuế, đầu tư tư nhân, tiền gửi ngân hàng, số lượng thầy thuốc và sinh viên của Peru. Dù có các nỗ lực phi tập trung hoá, Lima vẫn là nơi tập trung các cơ sở chính của các cơ quan chính phủ. Trung tâm lịch sử của Lima được UNESCO công nhận là di sản thế giới (2003).

Peru là quốc gia đa dân tộc, với dân số ước tính là 30,4 triệu, thành phần dân tộc bao gồm người da đỏ, người gốc Âu, người gốc Phi và người gốc Á. Ngôn ngữ chính được nói là tiếng Tây Ban Nha, song một lượng đáng kể người Peru nói tiếng Quechua hay các ngôn ngữ bản địa khác. Sự kết hợp của các truyền thống văn hóa khiến cho Peru có sự đa dạng lớn trên các lĩnh vực như nghệ thuật, ẩm thực, văn chương, và âm nhạc.

 từ tàu nhìn xuống cảng

 đợi xe đi Callao, chó mực kiếm ăn

 xếp hàng lên xe

 xe đi Callao

 thành phố  dễ thương trồng nhiều hoa

 Muraille de Callao (Péru)

chào  đón du khách đến Callao

Nhảy với vũ đoàn địa phương



 tour guide cùng đoàn  trước khi  đi thăm viếng Lima 

Welcome to LIMA (thủ đô của Péru)


Cathedral of LIMA


The church and monastery were consecrated in 1673 and completed in 1774. Though it survived several earthquakes intact in 1687 and 1746, it suffered extensive damage in an earthquake in 1970. The church is noted for its architecture, a high example of Spanish Baroque. Its granite carved portal would later influence those on other churches, including the Church of Merced. The vaults of the central and two side naves are painted in mudejar style: a mix of Moorish and Spanish designs. The head altar is fully carved out of wood. The corridors of the main cloister are inlaid with Sevillian glazed tiles dating from the 1620s. The complex is made of the temple, the convent and two other churches, 'La Soledad' and 'El Milagro'.


đổi phiên gác 11h45` ở Dinh Chính phủ (House of Pizarro) của Peru 

đến bảo tàng viện " Oro Del Peru"

vào xem nhưng không được chụp hình 


Through these pages the Miguel Mujica Gallo Foundation wishes to show the world the beauty and quality of the works of different cultures, both from our Peruvian heritage, as seen in the Gold Museum of Peru, and from the different countries around the world, through the Weapons of the World Museum . We must give emphasis to the fact that the pieces were collected by a committed Peruvian who dedicated much of his life and fortune in favor of culture.
Our Foundation was created for selfless purposes, to protect the permanence of Museums and for them to become, both now and in the future, a tourist attraction of our beloved city.

Miguel Mujica Gallo, born in Lima , was a distinguished gentleman and a businessman linked to various economic activities in his country. Above all, he was an internationally renowned collector: a cultured man, passionate about the great historical and artistic tradition of Peru . However, his interest and curiosity spread to other nations as well, and to the most remote areas of this country, as evidenced by anyone who visits his extraordinary collection of weapons and firearms: twenty thousand pieces of all the different eras and countries - one of the most remarkable private collections in the world.

During his numerous trips around the globe, he gradually gathered fascinating pieces and weapons - some of them true gems - that belonged to famous historical personalities. Works that are presently exhibited in an environment conditioned to receive the public and transport it to other times in history.

 Miguel Mujica Gallo 

Bảo tàng Oro  Del Peru

Miguel Mujica Gallo 


đi đâu cũng kiếm chợ để mua trái cây




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the capital of Peru. For other uses, see Lima (disambiguation).
Lima collage01.jpg
Collage of Lima
Flag of Lima
Official seal of Lima
Nickname(s): La ciudad de los reyes (The City of the Kings)
La tres veces coronada villa (The Three times crowned villa)
La Perla del Pacífico (The Pacific Pearl)
Motto: Hoc signum vere regum est (Latin(This is the real sign of the kings)
Lima Province and Lima within Peru
Lima Province and Lima within Peru
Coordinates: 12°2′36″S 77°1′42″WCoordinates12°2′36″S 77°1′42″W
ProvinceLima Province
Districts43 districts
 • TypeMayor–council government
 • MayorLuis Castañeda
 • City2,672.3 km2 (1,031.8 sq mi)
 • Urban800 km2 (300 sq mi)
 • Metro2,819.3 km2 (1,088.5 sq mi)
Elevation[1]0-1,550 m (0-5,090 ft)
Population (2015)[2]
 • City8,852,000
 • Density3,300/km2 (8,600/sq mi)
 • Metro9,752,000
 • Metro density3,500/km2 (9,000/sq mi)
 • DemonymLimean (Spanish: Limeño/a)
Time zonePET (UTC−5)
Lima /ˈlmə/ is the capital and the largest city of Peru. It is located in the valleys of the ChillónRímac and Lurínrivers, in the central coastal part of the country, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Together with the seaport ofCallao, it forms a contiguous urban area known as the Lima Metropolitan Area. With a population of almost 10 million, Lima is the most populous metropolitan area of Peru, and the third largest city in the Americas (as defined by "city proper"), just behind São Paulo and Mexico City.
Lima was founded by Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro on January 18, 1535, as Ciudad de los Reyes. It became the capital and most important city in the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru. Following the Peruvian War of Independence, it became the capital of the Republic of Peru. Today, around one-third of the Peruvian population lives in the metropolitan area.
Lima is home to one of the oldest higher learning institutions in the New World. The National University of San Marcos, founded on May 12 of 1551, during Spanish colonial regime, is the oldest continuously functioning university in the Americas.
In October 2013, Lima was chosen in a ceremony in Toronto to host the 2019 Pan American Games. It also hosted the 2014 United Nations Climate Change Conference in December of that year and the Miss Universe 1982 pageant.


According to early Spanish chronicles the Lima area was once called Itchyma, after its original inhabitants. However, even before the Inca occupation of the area in the 15th century, a famous oracle in the Rímac valley had come to be known by visitors as Limaq (Limaq, pronounced [ˈli.mɑq], which means "talker" in coastal Quechua). This oracle was eventually destroyed by the Spanish and replaced with a church, but the name persisted in the local language, and so the chronicles show "Límac" replacing "Ychma" as the common name for the area.[3]
Modern scholars speculate that the word "Lima" originated as the Spanish pronunciation of the native name Limaq. Linguistic evidence seems to support this theory as spoken Spanish consistently rejects stop consonants in word-final position. The city was founded in 1535 under the name City of the Kings (SpanishCiudad de los Reyes) because its foundation was decided on January 6, date of the feast of the Epiphany. Nevertheless, this name quickly fell into disuse and Lima became the city's name of choice; on the oldest Spanish maps of Peru, both Lima and Ciudad de los Reyes can be seen together as names for the city.
The river that feeds Lima is called Rímac, and many people erroneously assume that this is because its original Inca name is "Talking River" (the Incas spoke a highland variety of Quechua where the word for "talker" was pronounced [ˈRimɑq]).[4] However, the original inhabitants of the valley were not the Incas, and this name is actually an innovation arising from an effort by the Cuzco nobility in colonial times to standardize the toponym so that it would conform to the phonology of Cuzco Quechua. Later, as the original inhabitants of the valley died out and the local Quechua became extinct, the Cuzco pronunciation prevailed. In modern times, Spanish-speaking locals do not see the connection between the name of their city and the name of the river that runs through it. They often assume that the valley is named after the river; however, Spanish documents from the colonial period show the opposite to be true.[3]



Historically, the Flag of Lima has been known as the «Banner of Peru's Kings' City».[5] It's made from a golden color silk canvas and embroidery in the center is its coat of arms.[5]


Lima's anthem was heard for the first time on January 18, 2008, in a formal meeting with important politics such as Peruvian President Alan GarcíaLima's MayorLuis Castañeda Lossio and other authorities. The people in charge of the anthem creation were Luis Enrique Tord (lyrics), Euding Maeshiro (music) and the record producer Ricardo Núñez (arranger).[6]


Main article: History of Lima

Pachacamac was an important religious centre before the arrival of Spanish conquistadors
In the pre-Columbian era, the location of what is now the city of Lima was inhabited by several Amerindian groups under the Ychsma polity, which was incorporated into the Inca Empire in the 15th century.[7] In 1532, a group of Spanish conquistadorsled by Francisco Pizarro defeated the Inca ruler Atahualpa and took over his Empire. As the Spanish Crown had named Pizarro governor of the lands he conquered,[8] he chose the Rímac valley to found his capital on January 18, 1535 asCiudad de los Reyes (City of the Kings).[9] In August 1536, rebel Inca troops led by Manco Inca besieged the city but were defeated by the Spaniards and their native allies.[10]
Lima gained prestige after being designated capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru and site of a Real Audiencia in 1543.[11] During the next century it flourished as the centre of an extensive trade network which integrated the Viceroyalty with the rest of the Americas, Europe and the Far East.[12] However, the city was not free from dangers; the presence of pirates and privateersin the Pacific Ocean lead to the building of the Walls of Lima between 1684 and 1687.[13] Also in this last year a powerful earthquake destroyed most of the city buildings;[14] the earthquake marked a turning point in the history of Lima as it coincided with a recession in trade and growing economic competition with other cities such as Buenos Aires.[15]

Balconies were a major feature of Lima's architecture during the colonial period.
In 1746, a powerful earthquake severely damaged Lima and destroyed Callao, forcing a massive rebuilding effort under Viceroy José Antonio Manso de Velasco.[16] In the later half of the 18th century, Enlightenment ideas on public health and social control shaped the development of the city.[17] During this period, Lima was adversely affected by the Bourbon Reforms as it lost its monopoly on overseas trade and its control over the important mining region of Upper Peru.[18] The city's economic decline made its elite dependent on royal and ecclesiastical appointment and thus, reluctant to advocate independence.[19]
A combined expedition of Argentine and Chilean patriots under General José de San Martín landed south of Lima in 1820 but did not attack the city. Faced with a naval blockade and the action of guerrillas on land, Viceroy José de la Serna e Hinojosa evacuated its capital in July 1821 to save the Royalist army.[20] Fearing a popular uprising and lacking any means to impose order, the city council invited San Martín to enter Lima and signed a Declaration of Independence at his request.[21] However, the war was not over; in the next two years the city changed hands several times.

The Walls of Lima were built between 1684 and 1687 by viceroyMelchor de Navarra.
After independence, Lima became the capital of the Republic of Peru but economic stagnation and political turmoil brought urban development to a halt. This hiatus ended in the 1850s, when increased public and private revenues from guano exports led to a rapid development of the city.[22] The export-led expansion also widened the gap between rich and poor, fostering social unrest.[23] During the 1879–1883 War of the Pacific, Chilean troops occupied Lima, looting public museums, libraries and educational institutions.[24] At the same time, angry mobs attacked wealthy citizens and the Asian population; sacking their properties and businesses.[25] After the war, the city underwent a process of renewal and expansion from the 1890s up to the 1920s. During this period, the urban layout was modified by the construction of big avenues that crisscrossed the city and connected it with neighboring towns.[26]
On May 24, 1940,[27] an earthquake[28] destroyed most of the city, which at that time was mostly built of adobe and quincha. In the 1940s, Lima started a period of rapid growth spurred by migration from the Andean regions of Peru, as rural people sought opportunities for work and education. The population, estimated at 0.6 million in 1940, reached 1.9 million by 1960 and 4.8 million by 1980.[29] At the start of this period, the urban area was confined to a triangular area bounded by the city's historic centreCallao and Chorrillos; in the following decades settlements spread to the north, beyond the Rímac River, to the east, along the Central Highway, and to the south.[30] The new migrants, at first confined to slums in downtown Lima, led this expansion through large-scale land invasions, which evolved into shanty towns, known as pueblos jóvenes.[31]


Lima as seen from the SPOT satellite
The urban area of Lima covers about 800 km2 (310 sq mi). It is located on mostly flat terrain in the Peruvian coastal plain, within the valleys of the ChillónRímac and Lurín rivers. The city slopes gently from the shores of the Pacific Ocean into valleys and mountain slopes located as high as 1,550 meters (5,090 ft) above sea level. Within the city there are isolated hills which are not connected to the surrounding hill chains, such as El Agustino, San Cosme, El Pino, La Milla, Muleria and Pro hills. The San Cristobal hill in the Rímac District, which lies directly north of the downtown area, is the local extreme of an Andean hill outgrowth.
Metro Lima covers 2,672.28 km2 (1,031.77 sq mi), of which 825.88 km2 (318.87 sq mi) (31%) comprise the actual city and 1,846.40 km2 (712.90 sq mi) (69%) the city outskirts.[citation needed] The urban area extends around 60 km (37 mi) from north to south and around 30 km (19 mi) from west to east. The city center is located 15 km (9.3 mi) inland at the shore of theRímac River, a vital resource for the city, since it carries what will become drinking water for its inhabitants and fuels the hydroelectric dams that provide electricity to the area. While no official administrative definition for the city exists, it is usually considered to be composed of the central 30 of 43 districts of Lima Province, corresponding to an urban area centered around the historic Cercado de Lima district.[citation needed] The city is the core of the Lima Metro Area, one of the ten largest metro areas in the Americas. Lima is the world's second largest desert city, after CairoEgypt.

Lima at night from space


Lima's climate is in transition between mild and warm, despite being located in the tropics and in a desert, Lima's proximity to the cool waters of the Pacific Ocean leads to temperatures much cooler than those expected for a tropical desert, and can be classified as a mild desert climate (KöppenBWn). It is neither cold nor very hot. Temperatures rarely fall below 14 °C (57 °F) or rise above 29 °C (84 °F) throughout the entire year.[32] Two distinct seasons can be identified: summer, from December through April; and winter from June through October. May and November are generally transition months, with the warm-to-cool weather transition being more dramatic.

Weather averages for the Jorge Chávez International Airport
Summers are warm, humid, and sunny. Daily temperatures oscillate between lows of 18 °C (64 °F) to 22 °C (72 °F), and highs of 24 °C (75 °F) to 29 °C (84 °F). Skies are generally cloud free, especially during daytime. Occasional coastal fogs on some mornings and high clouds in some afternoons and evenings can be present. Summer sunsets are well known for being colorful. As such, they have been labeled by the locals as "cielo de brujas" (Spanish for "sky of witches"), since the sky commonly turns shades of orange, pink and red around 7 pm. Winter weather is dramatically different. Gray skies, breezy conditions, high humidity and cool temperatures prevail. Long (1-week or more) stretches of dark overcast skies are not uncommon. Persistent morning drizzle occurs occasionally from June through September, coating the streets with a thin layer of water that generally dries up by early afternoon. Winter temperatures vary little between day and night. They range from lows of 14 °C (57 °F) to 16 °C (61 °F) and highs of 16 °C (61 °F) to 19 °C (66 °F), rarely exceeding 20 °C (68 °F) except in the easternmost districts.[33]
Relative humidity is always very high, particularly in the mornings.[34] High humidity produces brief morning fog in the early summer and a usually persistent low cloud deck during the winter (generally developing in May and persisting into late November or even early December). The predominantly onshore flow makes the Lima area one of the cloudiest among the entire Peruvian coast. Lima has only 1284 hours of sunshine a year, 28.6 hours in July and 179.1 hours in January, which is exceptionally little for the latitude.[35] Winter cloudiness prompts locals to seek for sunshine in Andean valleys located at elevations generally above 500 meters above sea level.
While relative humidity is high, rainfall is very low due to strong atmospheric stability. The severely low rainfall impacts on water supply in the city, which originates from wells and from rivers that flow from the Andes.[36] Inland districts receive anywhere between 1 to 6 cm (2.4 in) of rainfall per year, which accumulates mainly during the winter months. Coastal districts receive only 1 to 3 cm (1.2 in). As previously mentioned, winter precipitation occurs in the form of persistent morning drizzle events. These are locally called 'garúa', 'llovizna' or 'camanchacas'. Summer rain, on the other hand, is infrequent, and occurs in the form of isolated light and brief showers. These generally occur during afternoons and evenings when leftovers from Andean storms arrive from the east. The lack of heavy rainfall arises from high atmospheric stability caused, in turn, by the combination of cool waters from semi-permanent coastal upwelling and the presence of the cold Humboldt Current and warm air aloft associated with the South Pacific anticyclone.
Lima's climate (like that of most of coastal Peru) gets severely disrupted in El Niño events. Coastal waters usually average around 17–19 °C (63–66 °F), but get much warmer (like in 1998 when the water reached 26 °C (79 °F)). Air temperatures rise accordingly. Such was the case when Lima hit its all-time record high of 34 °C (93 °F).[33] Cooler climate develops during La Niña years. The all-time record low in the metro area is 8 °C (46 °F), measured in winter 1988.[33]
[hide]Climate data for Lima
Average high °C (°F)25.8
Daily mean °C (°F)22.5
Average low °C (°F)19.1
Average precipitation mm (inches)0.9
Average relative humidity (%)81.682.182.785.
Mean monthly sunshine hours179.1169.0139.2184.0116.450.628.632.337.365.389.0139.21,230
Source #1: World Meteorological Organization (UN)[33]
Source #2: sunshine and humidity[35]


Main article: Demographics of Lima

Pueblos jóvenes on the outskirts of Lima
With a municipal population of 8,852,000, and 9,752,000 for the metropolitan area and a population density of 3,008.8 inhabitants per square kilometre (7,793/sq mi) as of 2007.[37] Lima ranks as the 30th most populous 'agglomeration' in the world, as of 2014.[38] Its population features a complex mix of racial and ethnic groups. Mestizos of mixed Amerindian andEuropean (mostly Spanish and Italians) ancestry are the largest ethnic group. European Peruvians are the second largest group. Many are of SpanishItalian or German descent; many others are of FrenchBritish, or Croatian descent.[39][40] The minorities in Lima include Amerindians (mostly Aymara and Quechua) and Afro-Peruvians, whose African ancestors were initially brought to the region as slaves. There are also numerous Jews of European descent and Middle Easterners. Asiansmake up a large number of the metropolitan population, especially of Chinese (Cantonese) and Japanese descent, whose ancestors came mostly in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Lima has, by far, the largest ethnic Chinese community in Latin America.[41]
The first settlement in what would become Lima was made up of 117 housing blocks. In 1562, another district was built at the other side of the Rímac River and in 1610, the first stone bridge was built. Lima then had a population of around 26,000; blacks made up around 40% of the population, and whites made up around 38% of the population.[42] By 1748, the white population totaled 16,000–18,000.[43] In 1861, the number of inhabitants surpassed 100,000, and by 1927, this had doubled.[citation needed]

Children at an elementary school inSantiago de Surco.
During the early twentieth century, thousands of immigrants came to the city, including people of German, French, Italian, and British descent. They organized social clubs and built their own schools. Examples are The American-Peruvian school, the Alianza Francesa de Lima, the Lycée Franco-Péruvien and the hospital Maison de Sante; Markham College, the British-Peruvian school in Monterrico, Antonio Raymondi District Italian School, the Pestalozzi Swiss School and also, several German-Peruvian schools.
Immigrants influenced Peruvian cuisine, with Italians in particular exerting a strong influence in the Miraflores and San Isidro areas with their restaurants, called trattorias.[citation needed]
A great number of Chinese immigrants, and a lesser number of Japanese, came to Lima and established themselves in theBarrios Altos neighborhood near downtown Lima. Lima residents refer to their Chinatown as Calle Capon, and the city's ubiquitous Chifa restaurants – small, sit-down, usually Chinese-run restaurants serving the Peruvian spin on Chinese cuisine – can be found by the dozens in this Chinese enclave.
In 2014, the National Institute for Statistics and Information (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica e Informatica) reported that the population of Lima in its 49 districts was 9,752,000 people, including the Constitutional Province of Callao. The city of Lima (metropolitan area) represents around 29% of the population of Peru. Of the total population for the city, around 48.7% are men and 51.3% are women. The 49 districts in Metropolitan Lima are often divided into 5 areas: Cono Norte (North Lima), Lima Este (East Lima), Constitutional Province of Callao, Lima Centro (Central Lima), and Lima Sur (South Lima). The largest areas are Lima Norte with 2,475,432 people and Lima Este with 2,619,814 people, including the largest single district San Juan de Lurigancho, which surpasses de 1 million people in population.[44]
In general, Lima is considered a "young" city. According to INEI, my mid 2014 the age distribution in Lima would be as follows: 24.3% between 0 and 14, 27.2% between 15 and 29, 22.5% between 30 and 44, 15.4% between 45 and 59, and 10.6% above 60.[44]
There is also a high level of immigration to Lima from the rest of the regions in the country. In 2013, 3,480,000 people reported being immigrants from other regions in the country. This represents almost 36% of the entire population of Metropolitan Lima. The three regions from where people immigrate the most to Lima are Junin, Ancash, and Ayacucho. On the contrary only 390 thousand emigrated from Lima to other regions of the country.[44]
The annual population growth rate for Lima is 1.57%. Of the 43 districts in the metropolitan area of Lima, some are considerably more populous than others. For example, 6 districts in Lima surpass the 400,000 people mark (San Juan de Lurigancho, San Martin de Porres, Ate, Comas, Villa El Salvador, and Villa Maria del Triunfo), while the ones with the least amount of people have populations of less than 60,000 people (San Luis, San Isidro, Magdalena del Mar, Lince, and Barranco).[44]
A household survey study published in 2005 shows a socio-economic distribution for households in Lima. The common distribution considers a monthly family income of 6000 Nuevos Soles or more for socioeconomic level A, 2000 to 6000 Nuevos Soles for level B, 840 to 2000 Nuevos Soles for level C, 420 to 1200 Nuevos Soles for level D, and up to 840 Nuevos Soles for level E. The distribution of socioeconomic level for households in Lima is: 18% level E, 32.3% level D, 31.7% level C, 14.6% level B, and 3.4% level A. In this sense, 82% of the population lives in households that earn up to 2000 Nuevos Soles monthly. Other salient differences between socioeconomic levels are levels of higher education, car ownership, size of the home, among other things.[45]
In Metropolitan Lima in 2013, the percentage of the population living in households in poverty is 12.8%. The level of poverty is measured by households that are unable to access a basic food basket and other household goods and services, such as clothing, housing, education, transportation, health, etc. The level of poverty has decreased from 2011 (15.6%) and 2012 (14.5%). The area in Lima with the highest proportion of poverty is Lima Sur (17.7%), followed by Lima Este (14.5%), and Lima Norte (14.1%), and Lima Centro (6.2%). In addition 0.2% of the population lives in extreme poverty, meaning that they are unable to access a basic food basket.[44]


Lima is the industrial and financial centre of Peru, and one of the most important financial centers in Latin America,[46] home to many national companies. It accounts for more than two thirds of Peru's industrial production[47] and most of its tertiary sector.
The Metropolitan area, with around 7000 factories,[48] spearheads the industrial development of the country, thanks to the quantity and quality of the availableworkforce, cheap infrastructure and the well developed routes and highways in the city. Products include textiles, clothing and food. Chemicals, fish, leather and oil derivatives are also manufactured and/or processed in Lima.[48] The financial district is in San Isidro, while much of the industrial activity takes place in the area stretching west of downtown to the airport in Callao. Lima has the largest export industry in South America, and is a regional hub for the cargo industry.
Industrialization began to take hold in Lima in the 1930s and by 1950, through import substitution policies, manufacturing made up 14% of the GNP. In the late 1950s, up to 70% of consumer goods were manufactured in factories located in Lima.[49]
The Callao seaport is one of the main fishing and commerce ports in South America, covering over 47 hectares (120 acres) and shipping 20.7 million metric tons ofcargo in 2007.[50] The main export goods leaving the country through Callao are oil, steel, silver, zinc, cotton, sugar and coffee.
As of 2003, Lima generates 53% of Peru's GDP.[51] Most foreign companies operating in Peru have settled in Lima.
In 2007, the Peruvian economy grew 9%, the largest growth rate in all of South America which was spearheaded by economic policies originating in Lima.[52] TheLima Stock Exchange grew 185.24% in 2006[53] and in 2007 grew 168.3%,[54] making it one of the fastest growing stock exchanges in the world. In 2006, the Lima Stock Exchange was the most profitable in the world.[55] The unemployment rate in the metropolitan area is 7.2%.
Lima is headquarters to major banks such as Banco de Crédito del PerúScotiabank Perú, InterbankBank of the Nation, Banco Continental, MiBanco, Banco Interamericano de Finanzas, Banco Finaciero, Banco de Comercio, and CrediScotia. It is a regional headquarters to Standard Chartered. Insurance corporations based in Lima include Rimac Seguros, Mapfre Peru, Interseguro, Pacifico, Protecta, and La Positiva.[56]


National government[edit]

Lima is the capital city of the Republic of Peru and the province of Lima. As such, it is home to the three branches of theGovernment of Peru. The executive branch is headquartered in the Government Palace, located in the Plaza Mayor. Thelegislative branch is headquartered in the Legislative Palace and is home to the Congress of the Republic of Peru. TheJudicial branch is headquartered in the Palace of Justice and is home to the Supreme Court of Peru. All the ministries are located in the city of Lima. In international government, the city of Lima is home to the headquarters of the Andean Community of Nations, along with other regional and international organizations.
The Palace of Justice in Lima is seat of the Supreme Court of Justice the highest judicial court in Peru with jurisdiction over the entire territory of Peru. Lima is seat of two of the 28 second highest or Superior Courts of Justice. The first and oldest Superior Court in Lima is the Superior Court of Justice of Lima belonging to the Judicial District of Lima. Due to the judicial organization of Peru, the highest concentration of courts is located in Lima despite the fact that its judicial district only has jurisdiction over 35 of the 43 districts of Lima.[57] The Superior Court of the Cono Norte is the second Superior Court located in Lima and is part of the Judicial District of North Lima. This judicial district has jurisdiction over the remaining eight districts all located in northern Lima.[58]

Lima City Hall building at night

Local government[edit]

The city is roughly equivalent to the Province of Lima, which is subdivided into 43 districts. The Metropolitan Municipality of Lima is utmost authority of the entire city while each district has its own local government. Unlike the rest of the country, the Metropolitan Municipality, although a provincial municipality, acts as and has functions similar to a regional government, as it does not belong to any of the 25 regions of Peru. Each of the 43 districts in where the city extends have their own distrital municipality that is in charge on its own district, but they also have an obligation in coordinate with the metropolitan municipality. The actual mayor of the city is Mr. Luis Castañeda Lossio.

Political system[edit]

Unlike the rest of the country, the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima also has functions of regional government and is not part of any administrative region, according to Article 65. 27867 of the Law of Regional Governments on 16 November 2002.87 However the previous political organization remains in the sense that there is still a 'Governor' is the political authority throughout the scope of the department of Lima and the city itself. The functions of this authority are more police and military. The same city administration is for the local municipal authority.


Lima’s main square, c. 1843
Lima's architecture is characterized by a mix of styles. Examples of early colonial architecture include the Monastery of San Francisco, the Cathedral of Lima and the Torre Tagle Palace. These constructions are generally influenced by the Spanish Baroque,[59] Spanish Neoclassicism,[60] and Spanish Colonial styles.[61] After independence, there was a gradual shift toward the neoclassical and Art Nouveau styles. Many of these constructions were greatly influenced by French architecturalstyles.[62] Many government buildings as well as major cultural institutions were contracted in this period. During the 1960s, constructions using the brutalist style began appearing in Lima due to the military government of Juan Velasco Alvarado.[63]Examples of this architecture include the Museum of the Nation and the Ministry of Defense. The 21st century has seen the appearance of glass skyscrapers, particularly around the city's financial district. There are new architectural and real estate projects.[64]
The largest parks of Lima are near the downtown area such as the Park of the ReservePark of the Exposition,[65] Campo de Marte, and the University Park. The Park of the Reserve is home to the largest fountain complex in the world known as the Magical Circuit of Water.[66] A number of large parks lie outside the city center, including Reducto Park, Pantanos de Villa Wildlife RefugeEl Golf (San Isidro), Parque de las Leyendas (Lima Zoo), El Malecon de Miraflores, and the Golf Los Incas.[67]
The street grid of the city of Lima is laid out with a system of plazas that are similar to roundabouts or junctions. In addition to this practical purpose, plazas serve as one of Lima's principal green spaces and contain monuments, statues and water fountains.[68]
Overview of the Historic Centre of Lima
Overview of the Historic Centre of Lima

Society and culture[edit]

Woman in White Poncho on Horseback. Cantonesewatercolor, sold in Lima mid-19th century. These paintings were copies of works ofFrancisco Fierro, a popularAfro-Peruvian artist of the time. Collections of the Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe.
Strongly influenced by EuropeanAndeanAfrican and Asian culture, Lima is a melting pot of cultures due to colonization,immigration, and indigenous influences.[69] The Historic Centre of Lima was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988.
The city is known as the Gastronomical Capital of the Americas. Lima's gastronomy is a mix of SpanishAndean, and Asian culinary traditions.[70]
Lima's beaches, located along the northern and southern ends of the city, are heavily visited during the summer months. Restaurants, clubs and hotels have opened in these places to serve the beachgoers. Lima has a vibrant and active theater scene, including classic theater, cultural presentations, modern theater, experimental theater, dramas, dance performances, and theater for children. Lima is home to the Municipal Theater, Segura Theater, Japanese-Peruvian Theater, Marsano Theater, British theater, Theater of the PUCP Cultural Center, and the Yuyachkani Theater.[71]


Known as Peruvian Coast Spanish, Lima's Spanish is characterized by the lack of strong intonations as found in many other regions of the Spanish-speaking world. It is heavily influenced by the historical Spanish spoken in Castile. Throughout the colonial era, most of the Spanish colonial nobility based in Lima were originally from Castile.[72] Limean Castillian is also characterized by the lack ofvoseo, a trait present in the dialects of many other Latin American countries. This is because voseo was primarily used by the lower socioeconomic classes of Spain, a social group that did not begin to appear in Lima until the late colonial era.[citation needed]
Limean Spanish is distinguished by its clarity in comparison to other Latin American accents, and has been influenced by immigrant groups including Italians, Andalusians, West Africans, Chinese and Japanese. It also has been influenced by anglicisms as a result of globalization, as well as by Andean Spanish and Quechua, due to the migration from the Andean highlands to Lima.[73]


Main article: Museums in Lima
Lima is home to the highest concentration of museums of the country, the most notable of which are the Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú, Museum of Art of Lima, the Museo Pedro de Osma, the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of the Nation, The Sala Museo Oro del Perú Larcomar, the Museum of Italian Art, and the Museum of Gold, and the Larco Museum. These museums focus on art, pre-Columbian cultures, natural history, science and religion.[74] The Museum of Italian Art shows European art.


Main article: Tourism in Lima
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Historic Centre of Lima
Name as inscribed on the World Heritage List
Square in Lima Peru 01.jpg
UNESCO regionLatin America and the Caribbean
Inscription history
Inscription1988 (12th Session)
As the major point of entry to the country, Lima has developed a tourism industry, characterized by its historic center, archeological sites, nightlife, museums, art galleries, festivals, and traditions. Lima is home to restaurants and bars where local and international cuisine is served.[75]
The Historic Centre of Lima, made up of the districts of Lima and Rímac, was declared a World Heritage Site byUNESCO in 1988.[76] Some examples of colonial architecture include the Monastery of San Francisco, the Plaza Mayor, the CathedralConvent of Santo Domingo, the Palace of Torre Tagle, and much more.
A tour of the city's churches is a popular circuit among tourists. A trip through the central district goes through churches dating from as early as the 16th and 17th centuries, the most noteworthy of which are the Cathedral of Lima and the Monastery of San Francisco, said to be connected by their subterrestrial catacombs.[77] Both of these churches contain paintings, Sevilian tile, and sculpted wood furnishings.
Also notable is the Sanctuary of Las Nazarenas, the point of origin for the Lord of Miracles, whose festivities in the month of October constitute the most important religious event in Lima, and a major one of Peru. Some sections of theWalls of Lima still remain and are frequented by tourists. These examples of medieval Spanish fortifications were built to defend the city from attacks by pirates and privateers.[78]
Beaches are visited during the summer months, located along the Pan-American Highway, to the south of the city in districts such as LurínPunta HermosaSanta María del Mar (Peru)San Bartolo and Asia. Restaurants, nightclubs, lounges, bars, clubs, and hotels have developed to cater to beachgoers.[79]
The suburban districts of CieneguillaPachacamac, and the city of Chosica, are tourist attractions among locals. Because they are located at a higher elevation than Lima, they receive more sunshine in winter months, something that the city of Lima frequently lacks under seasonal fog.[80]


Main article: Peruvian cuisine
Lima is known as the Gastronomical Capital of the Americas. A center of immigration and the center of the Spanish Viceroyalty, Lima has incorporated dishes brought from the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors and waves of immigrants: African, European, Chinese, and Japanese.[70] Besides international immigration there has been, since the second half of the 20th century, a strong internal flow from rural areas to cities, in particular to Lima.[81] This has influenced Lima's cuisine with the incorporation of the immigrant's ingredients and techniques (for example, the Chinese extensive use of rice or the Japanese preference for fish). The genres of restaurants in Lima include Creole foodChifasCebicherias, and Pollerias.[82]
Lima concentrates a large part of the population native from other regions in the country. In recent history, Lima has positioned itself among a culinary destination for travelers around the world. In many respects, Lima is considered the gastronomical capital of Latin America because its inherited traditions from pre-Hispanic and colonial cultures blended with Western and oriental cooking. In the last few years, not only have restaurants been recognized internationally, Peruvian coffee and chocolate have also won international awards around the world.[83]
In 2014, two restaurants from Lima were awarded within The World’s 50 Best Restaurants: Central was awarded #15 (chefs Virgilio Martinez and Pia Leon) and Astrid & Gaston awarded #18 (chef Diego Muñoz and owned by famous chef Gaston Acurio). This award is one of the most prestigious in the world of culinary arts. A panel of 900 experts defines the winners.[84] In addition, Central was named #1 restaurant in the list of Latin America’s 50 Best Restaurants 2014. Out of the 50 best restaurants in Latin America, Lima is the second city with most awards (after Buenos Aires): Central #1, Astrid & Gaston #2, Maido #7, Malabar #11, La Mar #15, Fiesta #20, Rafael #27, and La Picanteria #31. All of these restaurants represent cooking with fusion from different regions of the country and even the world.[85]
In 2007, the Peruvian Society for Gastronomy was born with the objective of uniting the key actors in Peruvian gastronomy to put together activities that would promote Peruvian food and reinforce the Peruvian national identity. The society, called APEGA, congregated chefs, nutritionists, institutes for gastronomical training, restaurant owners, chefs and cooks, researchers, and journalists. They also worked with universities, food producers, artisanal fishermen and sellers in food markets.[86] One of their first projects was to put together the largest food festival in Latin America to take place in Lima, called Mistura ("mixture" in Portuguese). The fair takes place in September every year since 2008 and the number of attendees has grown from 30,000 the first year to 600,000 in 2014. The entrance ticket cost is about $8.75 and small plates of food inside the fair cost about $5–6.[87] The fair congregates restaurants, food producers, bakers, chefs, street vendors, and cooking institutes from all over the country for ten days to celebrate the country’s excellent food and the variety of ingredients Peru is lucky to produce.[88]


Main article: Sport in Lima
The city of Lima has sports venues for footballvolleyball and basketball, many of which are located within private clubs. A popular sport among Limenos is fronton, a racquet sport similar to squash invented in Lima. The city is home to seven international-class golf links. Equestrian is popular in Lima with private clubs as well as the Hipódromo de Monterrico horse racing track. The most popular sport in Lima is football with professional club teams being located in the city.
The historic Plaza de toros de Acho, located in the Rímac District, a few minutes from the Plaza de Armas, holds bullfights yearly. The season runs from late October to December.
Lima will host the 2019 Pan American Games.[89]
Peruvian Institute of SportVariousVariousEstadio Nacional (Lima)
Club Universitario de DeportesFootballPeruvian Primera DivisiónEstadio Monumental "U"
Alianza LimaFootballPeruvian Primera DivisiónEstadio Alejandro Villanueva
Sporting CristalFootballPeruvian Primera DivisiónEstadio Alberto Gallardo
Deportivo MunicipalFootballPeruvian Primera DivisiónEstadio Iván Elías Moreno
CD Universidad San MartínFootballPeruvian Primera DivisiónEstadio Alberto Gallardo
Regatas LimaVariousVariousRegatas Headquarters Chorrillos
Real Club LimaBasketballVolleyballVariousSan Isidro


Traditional area
Cono Norte
Cono Sur
Cono Este
Lima is made up of thirty densely populated districts, each headed by a local mayor and the Mayor of Lima, whose authority extends to these and the thirteen outer districts of the Lima province.
The city's historic centre is located in the Cercado de Lima district, locally known as simply Lima, or as "El Centro" ("Downtown"), and it is home to most of the vestiges of Lima's colonial past, the Presidential Palace (Spanish: Palacio de Gobierno), theMetropolitan Municipality of Lima (Spanish: Consejo municipal metropolitano de Lima), Chinatown, and dozens of hotels, some operating and some defunct, that used to cater to the national and international elite.
The upscale San Isidro District is the city's financial center. It is home to politicians and celebrities and where the main banks of Peru and branch offices of world banks are headquartered. San Isidro has parks, including Parque El Olivar, with has olive trees that were brought from Spain during the seventeenth century. The Lima Golf Club, a prominent golf club, is also located within the district.
Another upscale district is Miraflores, which has luxury hotels, shops and restaurants. Miraflores has more parks and green areas in the south of Lima than most other districts. Larcomar, a popular shopping mall and entertainment center built on cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean, featuring bars, dance clubs, movie theaters, cafes, shops, boutiques and galleries, is also located in this district. Nightlife, shopping and entertainment also center around Parque Kennedy, a park in the heart of Miraflores that is always bustling with people and live performances.[90]
La MolinaSan Borja and Santiago de Surco, home to the American Embassy and the exclusive Club Polo Lima, are the other three wealthy districts of Lima.
The most densely populated districts of Lima lie in the northern and southern ends of the city (Spanish: Cono Norte and Cono Sur, respectively), and they are mostly composed of Andean immigrants who arrived during the mid and late twentieth century looking for better living standards and economic opportunities, or as refugees of the country's internal conflict with the Shining Path during the late 1980s and early 1990s. In the case of Cono Norte (now called Lima Norte), shopping malls like Megaplaza and Royal Plaza have been built in the Independencia district, on the border with the Los Olivos district, the latter being the most residential neighborhood in the northern part of Lima. Most of the inhabitants of this area belong to the middle class or lower middle class.
Barranco, which borders Miraflores by the Pacific Ocean, is known as the city's bohemian district, home or once home of Peruvian writers and intellectuals like Mario Vargas Llosa, Chabuca Granda and Alfredo Bryce Echenique. This district has acclaimed restaurants, music venues called "peñas" featuring the traditional folk music of coastal Peru (in Spanish, "música criolla"), and beautiful Victorian-style chalets. It along with Miraflores serves as the home to the foreign nightlife scene.


Lima is home to the oldest higher learning institution in the New World, San Marcos University founded in 1551. Home to universities, institutions, and schools, Lima has the highest concentration of institutions of higher learning in the continent. The National University of San Marcos, founded on May 12, 1551 during Spanish colonial regime, is the oldest continuously functioning university in the Americas.o[91]
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) was founded in 1876 by Polish engineer Eduardo de Habich and is the most important engineering school in the country. Other public universities also play roles in teaching and research, such as the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (the second largest in the country), theUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina where ex-president Alberto Fujimori once taught, and the National University of Callao.

View of the Cultural Center of the National University of San Marcos, to left side is located the University Park, the Clock University and illustrious monuments of San Marcos; the right side of the historical Casona de San Marcos.
The city of Lima has a total of 8,047 schools of elementary and high school, both public and private, which provide educational services to more than a million and a half students. There are more private schools than public (6,242 private and 1,805 public schools) and the average size of the private schools is 100 for elementary and 130 for high school. In contrast, public schools average 400 students in elementary and 500 in high school.[93]
Lima is one of the cities in Peru with the highest level of educational coverage or enrollment in high school and early childhood schooling. These values represent the amount of children and youth enrolled in school compared to the total amount of school-aged children. The enrollment level in high school in Lima is 86.1%, while the national average is 80.7%. In early childhood, the enrollment level in Lima is 84.7%, while the national average is 74.5%. The enrollment in early childhood has improved in 12.1% since 2005. In elementary school, the enrollment in Lima is 90.7%, while the national average for this level is 92.9%.[94]
Besides enrollment, the dropout rate is represents the amount of students that do not complete the school level appropriate to their age. In general, the dropout rate for Lima is lower than the national average, except for elementary school, which is higher. In Lima, the dropout rate in elementary is 1.3% and 5.7% in high school, while the national average is 1.2% in elementary and 8.3% in high school.[94]
In Peru, every year students in all schools (public and private) in second and fourth grade take a test called "Evaluacion Censal de Estudiantes" (ECE). The test assesses skills in reading comprehension and math. The test results are presented in three levels: Below level 1 means that students were not able to respond even the most simple questions on the test, level 1 means the students did not achieve the expected level in skills but that they could respond the simple questions in the exam, and level 2 means they achieved the expected skill for their grade level. In 2012, in reading comprehension 48.7% of students in Lima achieved level 2, compared to 45.3% in 2011. In math, only 19.3% students were able to achieve level 2, 46.4% achieved level 1, and 34.2% achieved less than level 1. Even though the results for Math are even lower than for reading comprehension, in both subject areas students performed better in 2012 than in 2011. Compared to the rest of the country, the city of Lima performs much better than the national average in both reading comprehension and math.[95]
The educational system in Lima is organized under the authority of the "Direccion Regional de Educacion (DRE) de Lima Metropolitana", which is in turn divided into 7 sub-directions or "UGEL" (Unidad de Gestion Educativa Local): UGEL 01 (San Juan de Miraflores, Villa Maria del Triunfo, Villa El Salvador, Lurin, Pachacamac, San Bartolo, Punta Negra, Punta Hermosa, Pucusana, Santa Maria, and Chilca), UGEL 02 (Rimac, Los Olivos, Independencia, Rimac, and San Martin de Porres), UGEL 03 (Cercado, Lince, Breña, Pueblo Libre, San Miguel, Magdalena, Jesus Maria, La Victoria, and San Isidro), UGEL 04 (Comas, Carabayllo, Puente Piedra, Santa Rosa, and Ancon), UGEL 05 (San Juan de Lurigancho and El Agustino), UGEL 06 (Santa Anita, Lurigancho-Chosica, Vitarte, La Molina, Cieneguilla, and Chaclacayo), and UGEL 07 (San Borja, San Luis, Surco, Surquillo, Miraflores, Barranco, and Chorrillos).[94]
The UGELes with highest results on the ECE 2012 are UGEL 07 and 03 in both reading comprehension and math. UGEL 07 had 60.8% students achieving level 2 in reading comprehension and 28.6% students achieving level 2 in Math. UGEL 03 had 58.5% students achieve level 2 in reading comprehension and 24.9% students achieving level 2 in math. The lowest achieving UGELs are UGEL 01, 04 and 05.[95]
With regards to higher education, 23% of men have completed university education in Lima, while 20% of women have done so. Additionally, 16.2% of men have completed non-university higher education, and 17% of women have done so. The average years of schooling in the city is 11.1 years (11.4 for men and 10.9 for women).[44]


Main article: Transport in Lima


Lima is served by the Jorge Chávez International Airport, located in Callao (LIM). It is the largest airport of the country with the largest amount of domestic and international air traffic. It also serves as a major hub in the Latin American air network. Lima's Jorge Chávez International Airport is the fourth largest air hub in South America. Additionally, Lima possesses five other airports: the Las Palmas Air Force Base, Collique Airport, and runways in Santa María del MarSan Bartoloand Chilca.[96]


For more details on this topic, see Highways in Peru.
Lima is a major stop on the Pan-American Highway. Because of its location on the country's central coast, Lima is also an important junction in Peru's highway system. Three of the major highways originate in Lima.
  • The Northern Panamerican Highway, this highway extends more than 1,330 kilometers (830 mi) to the border with Ecuador connecting the northern districts of Lima with many major cities along the northern Peruvian coast.
  • The Central Highway (Spanish: Carretera Central), this highway connects the eastern districts of Lima with many cities in central Peru. The highway extends 860 kilometers (530 mi) with its terminus at the city of Pucallpa near Brazil.
  • The Southern Panamerican Highway, this highway connects the southern districts of Lima to cities on the southern coast. The highway extends 1,450 kilometers (900 mi) to the border with Chile.
The city of Lima has one big bus terminus station located next to the mall Plaza norte in the north of the city. This bus station is the point of departure and arrival of a lot of buses with national and international destinations. There are other bus stations for each company around the city. In addition, there are informals bus stations located in the south, center and north of the city; these bus stations are cheap and confusing, but manageable if you know your destination and have a basic comprehension of Spanish.


The Port of Callao
The proximity of Lima to the port of Callao allows Callao to act as the metropolitan area's foremost port. Callao concentrates nearly all of the maritime transport of the metropolitan area. There is, however, a small port in Lurín whose transit mostly is accounted for by oil tankers due to a refinery being located nearby. Nonetheless, maritime transport inside Lima's city limits is relatively insignificant compared to that of Callao, the nation's leading port and one of Latin America's largest.


Lima is connected to the Central Andean region by the Ferrocarril Central Andino which runs from Lima through the departments of JunínHuancavelicaPasco, and Huánuco.[97] Major cities along this line include HuancayoLa Oroya,Huancavelica, and Cerro de Pasco. Another inactive line runs from Lima northwards to the city of Huacho.[98]


Eighty percent of the city's history having occurred during the pre-automobile era, Lima's road network is based mostly on large divided avenues rather thanfreeways. Lima has developed a freeway network of nine freeways - the Via Expresa Paseo de la Republica, Via Expresa Javier Prado, Via Expresa Grau, Panamericana Norte, Panamericana Sur, Carretera Central, Via Expresa Callao, Autopista Chillon Trapiche, and the Autopista Ramiro Priale.[99][99]
According to a survey done in 2012, the majority of the population in Lima uses public or collective transportation (75.6%), while 12.3% uses an individual transport mechanism (such as own car, taxi or motorcycle).[94]
The urban transport system is composed of over 652 transit routes[55] which are served by buses, microbuses, and combis. The system is unorganized and is characterized by the lack of formality. The service is run by 464 private companies which are poorly regulated by the local government. Fares average one sol orUS$0.40.

Metro train at Villa El Salvador station
Taxis in the city are mostly informal; they are cheap but can be dangerous because of the way the "taxistas" drive. There are no meters, so drivers are told the desired destination and the fare is agreed upon before the passenger enters the taxi. Taxis vary in sizes from small four-door compacts to large vans. They are everywhere, accounting for a large part of the car stock. In many cases they are just a private car with a taxi sticker on the windshield. Additionally, there are several companies that provide taxi service on-call.[100]
Colectivos render express service on some major roads of the Lima Metropolitan Area. The colectivos signal their specific destination with a sign on the their windshield. Their routes are not generally publicitized but are understood by frequent users. The cost is generally higher than public transport; however, they cover greater distances at greater speeds due to the lack of stops. This service is informal and is illegal in the city.[101] Some people in the periphery of the city use the so-called "mototaxi" for short distances.
The Metropolitan Transportation System or El Metropolitano is new integrated system for public transportation in Lima consisting in a network of buses that run in exclusive corridors under the Bus Rapid Transit system (BST). The goal of this system of buses is to improve the quality of life of citizens by saving them time in their daily commutes, protecting the environment, providing improved security and quality of service. The Metropolitano was executed with funds from the City of Lima (Municipalidad de Lima) and financing from the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank. In contrast to other transit systems in Bogota, Curitiba or Mexico City, the Metropolitana is the first BRT system to operate fueled with natural gas, seeking to contribute to reduce the contamination caused by transit in the city of Lima.[102] This system links the principal points of the Lima Metropolitan Area. The first phase of this project has 33 kilometres (21 mi) of line from the north of the city to Chorrillos in the south of the city. It began commercial operations on July 28, 2010. Since 2014, Lima Council operates the "Sistema Integrado de Transporte Urbano" (Urban integrated transport system), which comprises brand-new buses all over Avenida Arequipa.[103] By the end of 2012, the Metropolitano system counted with 244 buses in its central routes and 179 buses in its feeding routes. That is, a total float of 423 buses in operation. In one weekday 437,148 people use the system. The amount of users has increased from 2011 in 28.2% for weekdays, 29.1% for Saturdays, and 33.3% for Sundays.[94]
The Lima Metro has twenty six passenger stations, located at an average distance of 1.2 km (0.7 miles). It starts its path in the Industrial Park of Villa El Salvador, south of the city, continuing on to Av. Pachacútec in Villa María del Triunfo and then to Av. Los Héroes in San Juan de Miraflores. Afterwards, it continues through Av. Tomás Marsano in Surco to reach Ov. Los Cabitos, to Av. Aviación and then cross the river Rimac to finish, after almost 35 km (22 mi) , in the east of the capital in San Juan de Lurigancho The system counts with five trains, each with six wagons. Each wagon has the capacity to transport 233 people. The metro system began operating in December 2012 and transported 78,224 people on average on a daily basis.[94]

Other Transportation Issues[edit]

In addition, the city of Lima has high car and bus congestion or traffic on a daily basis, especially on peak hours. The amount of vehicles in the region of Lima by the end of 2012 was of 1 million 397 thousand (109,122 more than in 2011). This may be caused by the large amount of cars in the city: The region of Lima counts with 65.3% of the total amount of cars in the country.[94]
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) implemented a program with economic incentives for municipalities to implement bicycle routes in their districts. The "recreational bike lanes" can be found in 39 districts in Lima. The Proyecto Especial Metropolitano de Transporte No Motorizado (PEMTNM) estimates that more than a million and a half of people in Lima used the recreational bike lanes in 2012. The bike lanes added 71 km (44 mi) to the city for this particular use. They also estimate that the use of the bike lanes has prevented the emission of 526 tons of carbon dioxide in 2012.[94]
One district in Lima, San Borja, is the first one to implement a bike-share program in Lima called San Borja en Bici. It counts with 200 bicycles and six stations across the district (two of them connecting with the Metro of Lima). By December 2012, the program had 2,776 people subscribed to the service.[104]

Urban challenges[edit]


Environmentally, the city of Lima suffers mostly from air pollution. The sedimentary dust has contaminant solid particles that are deposited as dust in different surfaces or float through the air. The dust with fine particles is the most dangerous given that they are able to penetrate the respiratory system. The recommended concentration of these particles by the World Health Organization is 5 tons/km2/month, although in February 2014, Lima recorded an average of 15.2 tons/km2. Two districts in Lima with the highest concentration of sedimentary dust are El Agustino (46.1 tons/km2) and Independencia (25.5 tons/km2) in February 2014.[94][105]
The quality of water is also another environmental indicator. The permissible limit of lead in the water supply is 0.05 milligrams per liter, according to the Norm ITINTEC. In January 2014, the concentration of minerals in water treatment facilities of SEDAPAL was 0.051 Iron, 0.0050 Lead, 0.0012 Cadmium, and 0.0810 Aluminum. These values show an increase of 15.9% and 33.3% in Iron and Cadmium with respect to January 2013 and a decrease of 16.7% and 12.4% in Lead and Aluminum. The values are within the healthy limits.[105]
Solid Waste
The amount of solid waste produced per capita in the city of Lima is about 0.7 kg (2 lb) per day. In 2012, each citizen in the city produced 273.36 kg (603 lb) of solid waste. The district municipalities only collect about 67% of the solid waste they generate. The rest may reach informal landfills, rivers, or to the ocean. Further, only 3 municipalities in the city recycle 20% of their waste.[44]

Access to basic services[edit]

In the city of Lima, 93% of households have access to water supply in their homes. In addition, 92% of homes count with sewage systems. With regards to electricity, 99.6% of homes count with this service. Although most of the households count with water and sewage systems, some count with the services for a few hours a day only.[94]


The perception of security varies much in the city of Lima depending on the district. For example, San Isidro is the district with the lowest perception of insecurity (21.4%), while Rimac is the district with the highest perception of insecurity with 85%, according to a survey of victimization in 2012 elaborated by the NGO Ciudad Nuestra. The five districts with the lowest perception of insecurity are San Isidro, San Borja, Miraflores, La Molina, and Jesus Maria. The districts with the highest perception of insecurity are Rimac, San Juan de Miraflores, La Victoria, Comas and Ate.[106]
Overall, 40% of the population in Lima above 15 years old has been victim of a crime. The younger population (ages 15 to 29 years old) is the age group with the highest victimization rate (47.9%).[44] In addition, in 2012, citizens mostly reported to being victims of theft (47.9%), theft in homes or establishments (19.4%), robbery or attack (14.9%), gang aggression (5.7%), among others in lesser frequency. The districts with the highest level of victimization are Rimac, El Agustino, Villa El Salvador, San Juan de Lurigancho and Los Olivos. On the other hand, the "safest" districts by level of victimization are Lurin, Lurigancho-Chosica, San Borja, Magdalena, and Surquillo. Interestingly, these districts don’t necessarily correspond to the districts with highest or lowest perception of insecurity in the city.[106]
While the Police is nationally controlled and funded, each district in Lima has a community policing structure called Serenazgo. The quantity of officials and resources that go to the local Serenazgos vary by district. The ratio of citizens per Serenazgo official in each district varies greatly. For example, in Villa Maria del Triunfo there are 5,785 citizens per official. Twenty-two districts in Lima have a ratio above 1000 citizens per Serenazgo official. On the other hand, 14 districts have ratios below 200 citizens per official, including Miraflores with 119 and San Isidro with 57.[44]
The satisfaction with the Serenazgos also varies greatly by district. The highest satisfaction rates can be found in San Isidro (88.3%), Miraflores (81.6%), San Borja (77%), and Surco (75%). The lowest satisfaction rates can be found in Villa Maria del Triunfo (11%), San Juan de Miraflores (14.8%), Rimac (16.3%), and La Victoria (20%).[106]


Bách khoa toàn thư mở Wikipedia
Top: Lima skyline, Middle: Plaza Mayor de Lima, Bottom left: Cathedral of Lima, Bottom right: Palace of Justice.
Top: Lima skyline, MiddlePlaza Mayor de Lima,Bottom left: Cathedral of LimaBottom right:Palace of Justice.
Cờ hiệu của Lima
Cờ hiệu
Ấn chương chính thức của Lima
Ấn chương
Tên hiệu: City of the Kings
Khẩu hiệu: Hoc signum vere regum est
Lima Province and Lima within Peru
Lima Province and Lima within Peru
Lima trên bản đồ Thế giới
Tọa độ: 12°02.6′N 77°1.7′T
Quốc gia Peru
Khu vựcLima Region
TỉnhLima Province
SettledJanuary 181535
Chính quyền
 • Thị trưởngLuis Castañeda Lossio
Diện tích
 • Thành phố804,3 km2 (3,105 mi2)
 • Mặt nước75,7 km2 (292 mi2)  5.8%
 • Đô thị4.319,9 km2 (16,679 mi2)
Độ cao0 - 1.548 m (0 - 5.079 ft)
Dân số (2006)[1][2]
 • Thành phố7.819.436
 • Mật độ8.544/km2 (22,130/mi2)
 • Đô thị7.629.407
 • Vùng đô thị9.241.961
Múi giờPET (UTC-5)
Thành phố kết nghĩaLỗi Lua trong Mô_đun:Wikidata tại dòng 98: attempt to concatenate local 'label' (a nil value).
Lima là thủ đô, thành phố lớn nhất của Peru, đồng thời là thủ phủ của tỉnh Lima. Đây là trung tâm văn hoá, công nghiệp, tài chính và giao thông của Peru, nằm tại vùng thung lũng bao quanh cửa sông Chillónsông Rímac vàsông Lurín. Thành phố có diện tích 804,3 km² dân số chiếm 2/3 tổng số dân cả nước. Sự tập trung của cải và quyền lực ở Lima càng lớn hơn. Thành phố chiếm 2/3 GDP cũng như thu thuế, đầu tư tư nhân, tiền gửi ngân hàng, số lượng thầy thuốc và sinh viên của Peru. Dù có các nỗ lực phi tập trung hoá, Lima vẫn là nơi tập trung các cơ sở chính của các cơ quan chính phủ. Trung tâm lịch sử của Lima được UNESCO công nhận là di sản thế giới.

Địa lý[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]

Khí hậu của thành phố ôn hoà, dù vị trí của thành phố ở vùng nhiệt đới, nhờ dòng khí lạnh của Dòng hải lưu Peru,Thái Bình Dương chảy theo hướng Bắc, dọc theo bờ biển từ Bắc Cực. Mưa ở Lima hiếm hoi do dòng hải lưu duyên hải lạnh và hiệu ứng mưa chặn mưa của Dãy Andes chặn dòng khí ấm chứa hơi ẩm từ phía Đông. Bờ biển thường bị phủ lớp màn sương mù nặng được gọi là garúa, đặc biệt dày đặc vào những tháng mùa đông, mát hơn từ tháng 4 đến tháng 10. Đặc trưng khí hậu của thành phố ừ tháng 11 đến tháng 3 là ban ngày ấm nắng và buổi tối mát. Thành phố nằm trong khu vực địa chấn, các trận động đất lớn đã xảy ra các năm 1687, 1746.

Dân số[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]

Năm 2003, Lima có dân số 7,9 triệu, sinh sống tại 33 quận. Thành phố tăng thêm hơn 2,5 triệu người kể từ năm 1981 khi dân số của thành phố là 4,1 triệu. Hơn 90% dân số của Lima là người mestizo, người có dòng máu châu Âu pha trộn với người thổ dân châu Mỹ và cộng đồng thiểu số da trắng, da đen, châu Á, trong đó người gốc Nhật Bản là đông nhất. Từ thập niên 1940, Lima đã trải qua những đợt tăng trưởng nhanh về dân số, khoảng 7% mỗi năm kể từ thập niên 1960, 5% thập niên 1970 và 4% thập niên 1980. Sự tăng dân số nhanh do dòng dân di cư từ các vùng nông thôn và đô thị nhỏ của Andes đã khiến cho tình hình vùng đô thị này trở nên ngày càng nghiêm trọng, thành phố không thể cung cấp đủ nước, nhà ở và các dịch vụ công công cộng khác. Xung quanh thành phố đang hình thành những khu nhà lụp xụp, ổ chuột.

Khí hậu[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]

[ẩn]Dữ liệu khí hậu của Lima
Cao kỉ lục °C (°F)32
Trung bình cao °C (°F)25.826.526.024.321.719.718.718.418.719.921.923.922,1
Trung bình ngày, °C (°F)22.523.022.621.018.917.516.916.516.717.619.220.819,4
Trung bình thấp, °C (°F)19.119.419.217.616.115.315.014.614.615.216.417.716,7
Thấp kỉ lục, °C (°F)15
Giáng thủy mm (inches)0.9
độ ẩm81.682.182.785.,8
Số giờ nắng trung bình hàng tháng179.1169.0139.2184.0116.450.628.632.337.365.389.0139.21.284,0
Nguồn #1: World Meteorological Organization (UN)[3]
Nguồn #2: BBC Weather (record high and record low),[4] sunshine and humidity[5]

Lịch sử[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]

Lima được thành lập tháng giêng năm 1535 và được đặt tên là Ciudad de los Reyes, có nghĩa là Thành phố của các vua. Thành phố có vai trò quan trọng ở "tân thế giới" từ năm 1542, khi Charles V là người cai quản Lima. Sau khi Pizarro xâm lược Đế quốc Inca, Lima trở thành thủ đô của Phó vương Peru, một vùng hành chính bao gồm phần lớn các khu vực lãnh thổ ở Nam Mỹ. Trong suốt ba thế kỷ thuộc địa, phần lớn việc buôn bán của Tây Ban Nha với Nam Mỹ được thực hiện thông qua Callao. Lima đã bùng phát và trở thành một trung tâm chính trị, văn hoá, thương mại của Nam Mỹ thuộc Tây Ban Nha, và giàu lên nhờ các nguồn dự trữvàng và bạc của Andes.
Tầm quan trọng của Lima có phần giảm sút sau khi giai đoạn thuộc địa kết thúc. Trong những cuộc chiến giành độc lập của châu Mỹ Latin, đây là thành trì của lực lượng hoàng gia phản đối việc chia tách khỏi Tây Ban Nha. Tướng José de San Martín, một trong những lãnh đạo của phong trào độc lập đã chiếm lĩnh thành phố vào năm 1821 và năm năm sau đó, thành phố trở thành thủ đô của nước Peru độc lập. Lima vẫn giữ được vai trò ưu thế vượt trội của Peru và là một thủ đô lớn của Nam Mỹ trong thế kỷ 19. Từ năm 1881 đến 1883, thành phố bị quân Chile chiếm đóng trong cuộc Chiến tranh Thái Bình Dương, buộc chính phủ Peru phải tháo chạy lên Cao nguyên Andes.
Dân số tăng nhanh từ thập niên 1950 đã khiến cho Lima lớn gấp 10 lần so với thành phố lớn thứ hai của Peru. Các khu ổ chuột mọc xung quanh thành phố là nơi sinh sống của gần 1/3 dân số Lima.

Trung tâm lịch sử[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]

Trung tâm lịch sử của Lima là bằng chứng cho sự phát triển kiến trúc đô thị thuộc địa Tây Ban Nha, có tầm quan trọng về kinh tế, chính trị, văn hóa ở Peru nói riêng và Mỹ Latinh nói chung. Với rất nhiều các quảng trường, các nhà thờ, tu viện, cung điện và các tòa nhà thế kỷ 17, 18. Các công trình mang đậm lối kiến trúc kết hợp giữa Hispano và Baroque.
Tòa nhà nổi bật nhất ở Lima chính là San Francisco de Lima, một tu viện thời kỳ thuộc địa Tây Ban Nha. Cùng với Santa Catalina de Arequipa, đây là một trong hai công trình kiến trúc được bảo tồn tốt nhất cho đến ngày nay.
Ngoài ra, trung tâm lịch sử Lima có rất nhiều các công trình lịch sử như:
  • Quảng trường San Martín
  • Tổ hợp nhà thờ San Francisco, La Soledad và El Milagro

Vị trí của Lima tại Peru

Các sự kiện liên quan[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]

  • Trong thập niên 1980 và đầu thập niên 1990, thành phố xảy ra các vụ đánh bom, ám sát và tấn công của nhóm khủng bố Sendero Luminoso (Con đường Ánh sáng).
  • Tháng 12 năm 1996, một nhóm cách mạng khác mang tên Phong trào cách mạng Tupac Amarú (MRTA), đã chiếm giữ khu nhà ở của đại sứ Nhật Bản khi đang diễn ra một buổi tiệc trong kỳ nghỉ, có 500 người bị bắt làm con tin. Trong cuộc bao vây kéo dài bốn tháng, những kẻ phiến loạn đã đưa yêu sách phải thả những thành viên của họ đang bị giam và phải cải thiện điều kiện trong nhà tù, họ đã thả một số con tin và giữ lại 72 người. Vụ việc kết thúc vào tháng 4 năm 1997, khi những người lính Peru đã giải cứu con tin và giết tất cả các thành viên của MRTA, khi đó có một con tin thiệt mạng.

Hình ảnh[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]


Trung tâm lịch sử Lima, Peru

Lima là thủ đô, thành phố lớn nhẩt của Peru, đồng thời là thủ phủ của tỉnh Lima. Đây là trung tâm văn hoá, công nghiệp, tài chính và giao thông của Peru, nằm tại vùng thung lũng bao quanh cửa sông Chillon, sông Rimac và sòng Lurin.

Ngược dòng lịch sử, Lima được thành lập tháng giêng năm 1535 và được đặt tên là Ciudad de los Reyes, có nghĩa là thành phố của các vua. Sau khi Pizarro xâm lược Đế quốc Inca, Lima trở thành thủ đô của Phó vương Peru, một vùng hành chính bao gồm phần lớn các khu vực lãnh thổ ở Nam Mỹ. Trong suốt ba thế kỷ thuộc địa, phần lớn việc buôn bán của Tây Ban Nha với Nam Mỹ được thực hiện thông qua Callao. Lima đã bùng phát và trở thành một trung tâm chính trị, văn hoá, thương mại của Nam Mỹ thuộc Tây Ban Nha, và giàu lên nhờ các nguồn dự trữ vàng và bạc của Andes.

Tầm quan trọng của Lima có phần giảm sút sau khi giai đoạn thuộc địa kết thúc. Trong những cuộc chiến giành độc lập của châu Mỹ Latin, đây là thành trì của lực lượng hoàng gia phản đối việc chia tách khỏi Tây Ban Nha. Tướng José de San Martin, một trong những lãnh đạo của phong trào độc lập đã chiếm lĩnh thành phố vào năm 1821 và năm năm sau đó, thành phố trở thành Thủ đô của nước Peru độc lập. Lima vẫn giữ được vai trò ưu thế vượt trội của Peru và là một thủ đô lớn của Nam Mỹ trong thế kỷ 19. Từ năm 1881 đến 1883, thành phố bị quân Chile chiếm đóng trong cuộc Chiến tranh Thái Bình Dương, buộc chính phủ Peru phải tháo chạy lên Cao nguyên Andes.

Trung tâm lịch sử của Lima được UNESCO công nhận là Di sản thế giới bao gồm rất nhiều công trình cổ kính:

Quảng trường lớn (Plaza Mayor)

Quảng trường lớn nằm ở trung tâm thành phố. Plaza Mayor đã có ngay từ buổi đầu người Tây Ban Nha đến, được trùng tu nhiều lần. Quảng trường rất hấp dẫn với đài phun nước bằng đồng, tượng thiên thần Fame... cùng rất nhiều công trình kiến trúc xung quanh rất nổi tiếng:

- Dinh Chính phủ (House of Pizarro) của Peru gắn liền với tên tuổi của Pizarro - người đã chinh phục đế chế Inca và sáng lập Lima. Bên trong dinh Chính phủ có rất nhiều phòng khách với nội thất mô phỏng theo nghệ thuật baroque rất ấn tượng. 

- Tu viện Lima là công trình tôn giáo lớn xây dựng năm 1564 theo lối kiến trúc baroque. Tu viện có trần nhà kiểu mái vòm và sàn nhà kiểu bàn cờ rất lạ mắt. Trong tu viện có những chiếc ghế của đội hát kinh được chạm trổ tinh xảo trên chất liệu gỗ tốt và một viện bảo tàng hội họa tôn giáo với những bức tranh từ thế kỷ XVII-XVIII. 

- Điểm nhấn của quảng trường Plaza Mayor là nhà thờ Santo Domingo - một trong những nhà thờ cổ nhất Lima, xây dựng năm 1540 theo lối kiến trúc Ba-rốc rất lộng lẫy. Nội thất của Santo Domingo được trưng bày trong ba gian. Bên ngoài có những hành lang dài, những cánh cửa lớn, và ba khu vườn với cây cỏ hoa lá được chăm tỉa cẩn thận. Santo Domingo được xem là một nơi linh thiêng của người Peru vì lưu giữ di thể những vị thánh của Lima từ thời xa xưa.

Cung điện Torre Tagle

Cung điện Torre Tagle là niềm tự hào của người dân Peru. Cung điện được xây dựng vào khoảng năm 1715 là nhà riêng của Don Jose Tagle, một sĩ quan trong quân đội Hoàng gia Tây Ban Nha, hiện nay Torre Tagle là trụ sở Bộ Ngoại giao của Peru. Bên ngoài cung điện có bậc thềm bằng đá, mặt tiền chính cũng được ốp bằng đá. Vật liệu xây dựng Torre Tagle được chở đến từ Tây Ban Nha, Panama và vùng Trung Mỹ. Torre Tagle có những cây cột lớn được chạm trổ, hai ban công bằng gỗ sẫm màu kết hợp lối kiến trúc châu Âu và truyền thống Peru. Bên trong cung điện có nhiều tượng bằng thạch cao, cửa tò vò, trần nhà nhiều ô lõm, mái được lợp ngói. Tại Torre Tagle còn lưu giữ những chiếc cân hàng hóa từ thời thuộc địa, bộ xe tứ mã lộng lẫy từ thế kỷ XVI... Sự kết hợp hài hòa của nhiều lối kiến trúc tạo cho Torre Tagle nét quyến rũ đặc biệt.

Ngôi nhà cổ Aliaga

Lima còn là thành phố của rất nhiều ngôi nhà cổ. Nổi tiếng nhất là ngôi nhà cổ Aliaga được xây dựng năm 1535 trên tàn tích một ngôi đền cổ và tồn tại một cách kỳ diệu đến tận bây giờ. Mười bảy thế hệ gia đình Jeronimo de Aliaga đã cư trú trong ngôi nhà này. Đồ đạc trong nhà đều theo kiểu thuộc địa thế kỷ XVI, XVII, XVIII. Hiện nay Aliaga là nơi tổ chức nhiều sự kiện văn hóa quan trọng của Lima.

Di chỉ khảo cổ Pachacamac

Ngoài trung tâm thành phố, ở phía Nam còn có di chỉ khảo cổ Pachacamac trên một ngọn đồi bên bờ Thái Bình Dương. Pachacamac là nơi thờ cúng chính của người Peru thời trước khi người Tây Ban Nha đến. Ngày xưa cư dân ở vùng eo biển Peru và các cao nguyên đã từng đến nơi này cúng tế và dâng lên rất nhiều lễ vật bằng vàng, bạc. Nơi đây còn có pháo đài Pachacamac được xây dựng bằng gạch không nung từ thời Inca vào khoảng năm 200 sau công nguyên. Xung quanh Pachacamac là những ngôi đền, những tòa lâu đài nhỏ, một kim tự tháp lớn, và những căn nhà được bảo tồn cẩn thận.