Rất nhiều người đã từng sửng sốt trước sự vĩ đại và bí ẩn của Angkor Wat khi tham quan ngôi đền này ở Campuchia. Những nghiên-cứu khảo-cổ gần đây cho thấy Angkor Wat không thuộc về nền văn-minh của nhân-loại lần này, mà rất có thể từ một nền văn-minh viễn-cổ có công-nghệ cao hơn.
Điều kỳ-lạ là Angkor Wat có các hoa-văn điêu-khắc mô-tả những con thú đã tuyệt-chủng hàng triệu năm trước, còn có hình chạm khắc chiếc kính viễn-vọng và hệ Mặt Trời - lại là hình ảnh của tương-lai. Làm sao mà những người thợ điêu khắc ngôi đền này có thể biết những sự việc của quá khứ hàng triệu năm trước, và cả chuyện của hàng trăm năm sau? Ai mới là người thật sự xây dựng ngôi đền huyền bí này?
Giáo sĩ người Bồ Đào Nha António da Madalena – người đến thăm ngôi đền vào năm 1586, đã kinh ngạc trước vẻ đẹp và sự vĩ đại của Angkor Wat và viết rằng: “Đó là công trình xây dựng đặc biệt đến mức không thể miêu tả nó bằng bút mực, đặc biệt là vì nó không giống bất cứ công trình xây dựng nào trên thế giới. Nó có các tòa tháp, các họa tiết và các đường nét tinh tế mà chỉ những thiên tài mới có thể thực hiện được!”.
Angkor Wat được UNESCO đánh giá là công trình tôn giáo lớn nhất thế giới. Biểu tượng của nó được in trên lá cờ của đất nước Campuchia xinh đẹp.
Đền Angkor Wat – khu tổ hợp với những kiến trúc đá vĩ đại.
Angkor ở phía Tây Bắc Biển Hồ, thuộc tỉnh Xiêm Riệp, Campuchia, với hơn 1.000 ngôi đền có quy mô khác nhau; bao gồm 2 cụm quần thể cách nhau 1,7km là Angkor Wat và Angkor Thom.
Theo nghĩa hiện đại, Angkor Wat, nghĩa là “THÀNH-PHỐ CỦA NHỮNG NGÔI ĐỀN”, có diện tích lên đến 1,6 triệu m2. Đền Angkor Wat được ngưỡng mộ bởi vẻ hùng vĩ và hài hòa của kiến trúc, sự phong phú của nghệ thuật điêu khắc và số lượng lớn các tượng Thần được trang hoàng trên tường đá.
Tháp trung-tâm của Angkor Wat cao đến 65m, cao hơn bất cứ một tháp chuông nhà thờ nào ở châu Âu được xây-dựng trước thế-kỷ XV.
Sau khi đế chế Khmer lụi tàn, Angkor Wat dần bị quên lãng. Vào năm 1860, Angkor Wat được nhà tự nhiên học và nhà thám hiểm người Pháp Henri Mouhot phát hiện ra.
Ông cảm thấy chấn động và viết: “Một trong những ngôi đền này có thể chiếm một vị trí danh dự bên cạnh những tòa nhà đẹp nhất của chúng ta. Nó vĩ đại hơn bất cứ thứ gì mà Hy Lạp hay La Mã để lại cho chúng ta”.
Một trong những giả thiết nổi bật nhất về Angkor Wat là công trình này không phải được xây dựng bởi người Campuchia vào thế kỷ XII, mà được xây dựng bởi một nền văn minh tiền sử - dựa trên các ghi chép và phát hiện của các nhà khảo cổ học.
Phải chăng đây là công-trình của người tiền-sử?
Những phát hiện gần đây của ông Praveen Mohan, một Vlogger và là nhà khảo cổ học nghiệp dư người Ấn Độ, đã mang đến những bằng chứng rất thuyết phục rằng: Với công-nghệ 900 năm trước, Angkor Wat khó có thể được xây-dựng bởi người Campuchia!
Ông Praveen Mohan tính toán rằng để xây dựng Angkor Wat có diện tích 1,6 triệu m2, phải sử dụng ít nhất 10 triệu m3 đá.
Giả thiết vua Suryavarman II là người đã xây dựng Angkor Wat trong 37 năm, và rằng những người công nhân đã liên tục làm việc 12 đồng hồ/ngày, thì tổng thời gian xây dựng trong 37 năm sẽ là 9.723.600 phút. Vậy khối lượng đá cần khai thác sẽ tương đương với 1 tấn trong 1 phút.
Mỏ đá tại Phnom Kulen cách Angkor Wat 80km được coi là nơi cung cấp đá chính cho công trình này. Nhưng có thể dễ dàng nhận ra rằng việc khai thác, vận chuyển 1 tấn đá qua quãng đường 80km, rồi sau đó gia công, gọt, đẽo, lắp ghép… tất cả diễn ra trong vòng 1 phút là điều không thể làm được, thậm chí kể cả với công nghệ hiện nay.
Giả sử vua Suryavarman II huy động được 1.000 nhóm thợ để làm việc, thì khả năng hoàn thành tất cả các công đoạn trên để lắp ghép 1 tấn đá trong vòng 1000 phút, tương đương 17 giờ - cũng không khả thi với trình độ công nghệ thô sơ của Campuchia 900 năm trước.
Cũng cần lưu ý rằng, để xây dựng Tử Cấm Thành ở Bắc Kinh có diện tích chưa đến một nửa so với Angkor Wat, người Trung Quốc vào thế kỷ XV cần sử dụng đến 1 triệu công nhân, với hơn 100 ngàn thợ thủ công xây dựng liên tục trong 14 năm. Rất khó có thể hình dung rằng trong thế kỷ XII, người Khmer lại có tiềm lực ngang bằng hoặc hơn so với Trung Quốc ở thế kỷ XV, để có thể xây dựng được đền Angkor Wat vĩ đại!
Một điều rất dễ nhận ra là hình tượng Thần được tạc trên các cột đá từ thời vua Suryavarman II rất đẹp, nhẵn nhụi; khớp nối giữa các khối đá được làm rất khéo và tỉ mỉ. Trong khi các bức tượng Phật được tạc thời vua Jayavarman VII sau này lại vô cùng gồ ghề và xộc xệch. Vì sao công nghệ chế tác giữa 2 thế hệ cách nhau chỉ vài chục năm lại khác nhau một trời một vực như vậy!
Ông Praveen Mohan còn phát hiện trong quần thể Angkor Wat có một tòa tháp nhỏ bằng đá được xây dựng rất xấu - tương phản hoàn toàn về kích thước, công nghệ, kỹ thuật chế tác, độ bền và mức độ thẩm mỹ so với các công trình khác ở Angkor Wat.
So với Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom bị đổ-nát khá nhiều và trình-độ kiến-trúc cũng thua kém xa. Ông Mohan cho rằng những công trình xấu xí và kém bền vững này mới chính là sản phẩm mà người Campuchia 900 năm trước tạo ra. Còn đại công-trình Angkor Wat thì có lẽ không phải là di-sản của người Campuchia thời đó!
Mặc dù người ta tìm thấy bức phù điêu khắc hình vua Suryavarman II với Angkor Wat trong quần thể di tích này, nhưng, so với sự vĩ đại, tinh xảo, phức tạp của Angkor Wat thì bức phù điêu về đức vua lại quá đơn giản, nhỏ bé và mờ nhạt; khiến chúng ta tự hỏi làm thế nào mà người đã sáng tạo ra một công trình vĩ đại lại có thể được lưu danh theo hình thức này?!
Vài chục năm gần đây, các nhà khoa học đã phát hiện rằng: Nhiều công trình cổ đại nổi tiếng trên thế giới đều nằm trên một đường thẳng (còn gọi là đường LEY) chạy vòng quanh trái đất.
Một trong những đường như vậy có lộ trình chạy qua: Đảo Phục Sinh - Kim tự tháp Ai Cập - Các hình vẽ trên cao nguyên Nazca ở Peru - Angkor Wat - Kinh đô Persepolis của Đế quốc Ba Tư cổ đại - Thành phố cổ Mohenjo-Daro - Đền thờ thần Ammon trên ốc đảo Siwa - Thành phố bị thất lạc Petra - Thành phố Ur của nền văn minh Sumer cổ đại - Vùng Biển Chết ở gần Địa Trung Hải - Dãy núi Himalaya - Sông Tiền Đường ở tỉnh Chiết Giang – Trung Quốc - Khu di tích lục địa Atlantis trong huyền thoại…
Như vậy, Angkor Wat cũng nằm trên đường LEY này. Ngày nay, nhiều người gọi những đường LEY này là kinh mạch của trái đất, vì nó chạy qua những công trình cổ đại có kiến trúc phi thường, và vô cùng bí ẩn; thậm chí có trình độ khoa học kỹ thuật vượt xa nền văn minh nhân loại ngày nay!
Tại một công trình ở Angkor Wat, có chạm khắc cuộc chiến giữa Thần Vishnu và Thần Indra, ông Praveen Mohan phát hiện ra một chi tiết mô tả một người phía Thần Indra sử dụng một vật kỳ lạ để quan sát Thần Vishnu. Vật thể đó được xác định là một ống kính viễn vọng.
Lịch-sử khoa-học hiện-đại ghi nhận rằng kính viễn-vọng được Hans Lippershey phát-hiện ra vào năm 1608, cách đây 400 năm. Vậy làm sao người Campuchia có thể sử-dụng chiếc kính này vào 900 năm trước?!
Một điều kỳ lạ tương tự, ông Praveen Mohan cũng phát hiện tại ngôi đền Hoysaleswara ở Ấn Độ - được cho là xây dựng từ thế kỷ XII - có hình chạm khắc một trận chiến giữa 2 vị Thần, trong đó cũng có một người sử dụng kính viễn vọng để quan sát; còn có hình chạm khắc của những thứ như tên lửa chiến đấu.
Hai ngôi đền trên đều bằng đá, có kiến trúc cực kỳ phức tạp, được cho là xây dựng trong cùng một thế kỷ, ở 2 đất nước khác nhau; và cùng mô tả kính viễn vọng - một vật thể được coi là phi hiện thực tại thời điểm xây dựng. Điều này mang lại câu hỏi lớn cho giới khoa học hiện nay!
Nhưng đây chưa phải là điều kỳ lạ nhất…
Trên bức tường đá tại Angkor Wat, ông Praveen Mohan đã phát-hiện ra hình chạm khắc một con voi 4 sừng. Đây là loài thú có thật trong lịch-sử và đã bị tuyệt-chủng 2 triệu năm trước. Một bộ xương hóa thạch của loài thú này được tìm thấy ở Sulawesi,Indonesia và đang được trưng bày tại Bảo Tàng Quốc Gia nước này!
Ở một trụ đá tròn, ông Praveen phát hiện ra hình chạm khắc của một con thú khác với cái đuôi lúc nào cũng nằm ngang và cái đầu kỳ dị, gọi “LINH-CẦU RĂNG” (Hyaenodon). Theo các nhà khoa-học, thì những con linh-cẩu này đã tuyệt-chủng 26 triệu năm trước.
Vậy, vào 900 năm trước - khi ngành khảo cổ học còn chưa phát triển - làm thế nào mà những người thợ điêu khắc có thể nghĩ ra được những con thú đã tuyệt chủng này?!
Hàng năm, cứ vào 2 ngày điểm phân (Equinox), tức khoảng ngày 20/3 và 20/9, các du khách có thể chiêm ngưỡng hiện tượng kỳ thú duy nhất trong năm: Cảnh mặt trời lên (lúc sáng ngày 20/3) hoặc xuống (lúc chiều ngày 20/9) vào đúng vị trí đỉnh tháp cao nhất của Angkor Wat - khi nhìn từ phía cổng vào của ngôi đền. Chỉ vào 2 ngày này mặt trời mới có thể đi vào đúng vị trí đó.
Làm sao mà những người Campuchia 900 năm trước có thể xác định được hiện tượng điểm phân và xây dựng Angkor Wat chính xác đến mức độ như thế?
Tại một công trình khác có khắc bức tranh, trong đó Thần Mặt Trời của đạo Hindu ngồi ở giữa và 9 người đang ngồi dưới chắp tay nhìn lên ông. Điều này mô-tả hệ Mặt Trời gồm Mặt Trời và 9 hành-tinh lớn đang xoay quanh. Nhưng cần lưu ý rằng sao Hải Vương mới được phát hiện gần 400 năm trước bởi nhà thiên văn học Galileo; còn sao Diêm Vương thậm chí mới được phát hiện vào năm 1930. Cả 2 ngôi sao này không thể được nhìn thấy bằng mắt thường nếu không có kính viễn vọng!
Vậy, vì sao mà những người thợ điêu khắc 900 năm trước ở Campuchia lại có thể có được những kiến thức thiên văn chuẩn xác; và có cả kính viễn vọng để quan sát được 2 hành tinh mới trong hệ Mặt Trời này?
Vào năm 2007, một nhóm các nhà nghiên cứu quốc tế đã sử dụng ảnh vệ tinh và các kỹ thuật hiện đại khác - kết luận rằng quần thể Angkor là trung tâm của một thành phố tiền công nghiệp lớn nhất trên thế giới!
Thành phố này có một hệ thống cơ sở hạ tầng phức tạp - kết nối một khu đô thị rộng từ 1.000 đến 3.000km2, tới những ngôi đền nổi tiếng ở trung tâm của thành phố. Đây được coi là một “THÀNH-PHỐ THỦY-LỰC” vì có một mạng lưới quản lý nước phức tạp, được sử dụng để ổn định, lưu trữ và phân tán nước một cách có hệ thống nhằm phục vụ sản xuất và sinh sống của lượng dân số từ 750.000 đến 1 triệu người!
Nếu thành phố này thực sự tồn tại vào những năm 1100, thì khi đó, chắc chắn Khmer là một nước hùng cường nhất thế giới, và văn minh của họ hẳn sẽ được lưu truyền đến ngày nay. Nhưng rõ ràng không phải thế!
Như vậy, chỉ có thể nghi-vấn rằng thành-phố “TIỀN CÔNG-NGHIỆP” có chứa Angkor Wat là một thành-phố tiền-sử - được xây-dựng bởi những người xuất-hiện trước nền văn-minh 5.000 năm lần này của chúng ta.
Vậy, ai là chủ-nhân thực sự của Angkor Wat vẫn còn là câu hỏi bí-ẩn?
Lịch sử nhân loại chứa đựng bao điều bí ẩn và hoàn toàn vượt xa khỏi trí tưởng tượng của con người hiện đại. Có lẽ chúng ta cần thoát khỏi lối tư duy cố hữu, những định kiến, có như vậy, ta mới có thể nhận thức và lý giải một cách rõ ràng và minh xác về nguồn gốc thực sự của những công trình bí ẩn như Angkor Wat!!!
Yummmmmm yummmmmm
Beautiful, delightful, delicious chicken. Seriously need not say more. I learned how to peel the skin up and keep it in place. I’ve cut slits in the skin and lifted the skin up like that and it works and all but can leave the skin a little saggy. Lifting up the skin from down by the legs was so easy and I lifted it all the way up in front of the breast. The skin in perfect shape. Thank you so much. If your actually getting my comments I’ll be glad to leave them. I just starting using your recipes a little time ago. Again it was so good.
Thank you
You are very welcome, Mark! Thank you for your good comments and fedback on this recipe. We appreciate it!
I made this recipe for my family and they raved and raved about the chicken and gravy. Natasha thank you for this fantastic dish, I will make this again.
You’re very welcome! So glad you loved it, Jan.
I made a big boy! 7 lbs in 6 qt ip for 35 minutes plus 15 release. Put it in broil and oh yea! We are good
That’s great! Hope you enjoyed it.
Making tonight with a 6 pound chicken. How much time should I add to the cook time? So excited to try it!
Hi Chivon! Yes, see my notes above for tips. Cook the chicken for 6 minutes per pound and allow a 15-minute natural pressure release. The deepest/thickest part of the thigh should read 165˚F on a food thermometer.
Straight fire. Followed instructions and it came out perfect. Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome! I’m so happy you enjoyed it, G!
Hello, would the cook time in the IP be the same with a 24 hour brine?
Hi Lyndsay, I haven’t tested it with a brine to advise.
Hi Natasha
Is it possible to use dried thyme and Rosemary? What would be the correct amount to use?
Hi Jordan. That should be fine to use dry spices. You’d have to experiment with the amounts since I do not have those exact measurements.
Hi There, how do you do naturally release for 15 minutes some recipes say naturally 10 minutes. I don’t understand where you set this up.
Hi Melisa, you let it sit and naturally release pressure for 15 minutes after it’s done pressure cooking then flip the pressure valve at the top to release any remaining pressure before opening the lid. I set a timer so I don’t forget. I hope that makes sense.
I haven’t roasted chicken in the oven since I found this recipe. Like everyone says the chicken is so tender and gravy has amazing flavour. Just wish I could fit 2 chickens in my Instapot x
Thanks for your nice feedback, Nina!
So sorry. We found that the chicken fell apart when done and pretty much tasted like boiled chicken. It was tender, but the dish had no resemblance to a rotisserie chicken. The sauce was good but nothing any of us would rave about. Considering the amount of butter in this recipe, we’ve decided it won’t be a recipe I’ll repeat.
Hi Diane, it sounds like it was set for too long in the instant pot. Check out our timing chart in the post for the size of chicken. Also, make sure to release pressure as directed.
I have never successfully roasted a chicken – Until NOW! I was a little bit worried because the last time I roasted a chicken it was a little on the dry side. The only change I made to this recipe is that my last attempt also called for lemon in the carcass but with the less than stellar turn out it reminded us of fish, so we left it out.
I followed everything else and it was absolutely delicious! It’s going to be a staple in our house for sure. Also, the gravy was incredible!! making a Roux was so much easier than using cornstarch.
thanks for this great recipe!
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Cass! I’m happy you enjoyed it!
This is a great recipe! I am wondering – you mention in the video about the kitchen gloves you wear –what brand and where do you get them?
Hi Debby, you can find our favorite kitchen tools including the gloves in our Amazon Affiliate Shop HERE.
WOW! Made this chicken to put in your pot pie recipe and OMG is this ridiculously good?! All the recipes that we’ve made from your site are easy to follow and so yummy. Thank you so much for another slam dunk!
Yay, what a success! Thanks so much for sharing your experience trying this recipe.
I have made this 3 times now and it is excellent. The gravy is crazy good. But I think I have improved it. I add the garlic cloves and the rest of the lemon from inside the chicken to the gravy and add some Mrs. dash Lemon Pepper to it as well. Give it a try.
Sounds delicious! Thank you for the feedback, Jarrod.
My chicken is still in the Instant pot and everything has gone well so far but I was wondering if anyone could suggest what to do with the “innards” that I removed from the cavity. For now I’ll put them in the freezer.
Made this for dinner these week and we got 3 meals out it. This was my first time making gravy out of drippings, the wife said it was the best I’ve ever made. Will Make it again. Thank you so much.
Wow! That’s just awesome, David! Thank you so much for sharing that with me!
This is my favorite chicken recipe and the gravy is out of this world! We recently got an air fryer and wondered if anyone has tried this recipe in the air fryer. If so I’d love to know how it turned out.
Hello Dani, that makes me happy! Thank you for your good comments and feedback, I have not tested that but I saw some readers shared this “I made this yesterday and did just that–air fryer lid on for 3 or 4 minutes at 400. Turned out great and super easy!” I hope that helps!
I made this a while back and it was absolutely amazing! As delicious as the chicken was, the star of the show is the gravy! After several bits into the meal, my wife (who never saw the video), looked up and said “ I think I like this better than Thanksgiving dinner”!
I plan on making this again but instead of making the gravy with the flour, would it turn out just as good using a cornstarch slurry? My one son is sensitive to gluten!
Thanks for this amazing recipe and so many others!
Hi David! I’m so glad you enjoyed this recipe. Cornstarch would be a good replacement. 🙂
Made this as my 1st dinner in my brand new instapot. The chicken turned out super moist and the gravy was off the charts. No more grocery store rotisserie chickens for me. Thanks for the recipe.
Hi Randy! I’m so glad you enjoyed this recipe. Thank you for sharing.
Excited to try this! Especially after reading the reviews. Could you use a semi-frozen chicken?
Hi Jen! I hope you love it! Please check this part in the recipe “Can I Cook a Frozen Whole Chicken in the Instant Pot?” for your question. I hope that helps.
I’ve made this recipe once just as written. Best chicken and gravy yet. So easy in the instant pot. This time I only have dried thyme and rosemary. Do you have any suggestions on substituting dried for fresh ie quantity. I know fresh is superior, but I am often left with unused fresh herbs. Thank you for all the great recipes.
It really is a must-try! I’m so glad you loved it Al!
I never leave comments but I made this chicken tonight and it was AMAZING!!! I followed the recipe exactly and cooked a 4.6 pound chicken for 28 mins, 15 min slow release and the gravy was to die for. It had so much flavor and very juicy. The video is an added bonus. This is definitely a recipe I will make over and over.
Nice! Thanks for the awesome feedback, Aisha. Really great to hear that you loved this recipe a lot!
I just had a baby so quick easy recipes are a lifesaver to have and this recipe is amazing! My husband and I loved it! I didn’t have the fresh herbs or lemon so I used dry herbs and lemon pepper, it tasted fantastic! My chicken was big, 5lbs and a small section was still frozen and it came out perfectly cooked in 35 minutes along with the 15 minute slow release. This will definitely be a regular meal in the rotation. Thank you so much!
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience trying out this recipe! I’m glad you liked the result.
The first time my husband said my chicken was moist!!! Thank you and the gravy was Devine 💕 the dog loved his scraps and tomorrow’s dinner as well!
That’s just awesome! Thank you for sharing your wonderful review, Jennifer!
Crisp up the chicken skin in the oven, the best part of the chicken, yum
I’ve made this several times. I cook the chicken breast side down so all the juices flow down into the breast rather than out of the breast. It turns out so moist and delicious. I love this recipe. It’s my go to for a whole chicken.
Great to hear that, C! Thanks for the good review and we’re happy to know that this is your go-to chicken recipe.
This chicken was yummy and easy. Everyone loved it in my house.
Hi Theresa, great to know that the recipe was a hit!
This chicken was so juicy and delicious! I was short on butter used maybe 3 tablespoons butter and 2 tablespoons olive oil, half the salt as my butter was salted. We will do this often. Rather than gravy, we will use the broth for soup tomorrow!
Sounds like a plan, I’m glad you enjoyed the recipe!
Hi Natasha. This is the first whole chicken I’ve ever made with the Instant Pot and it was absolutely divine, and that gravy, oh my! My husband just kept saying “wow” in between mouthfuls. We are so grateful for all your recipes and would love to see more for the Instant Pot. Thank you!
You are so welcome, Marg. Happy to know that you loved this recipe and I hope you’ll enjoy all the recipes that you will try!
Reporting back to you from Scotland!
Having just recently bought an Insta Pot this was my first attempt at apprehensively cooking a whole chicken.
Your recipe and video was so easy to follow.
I used your 6minute to the pound plus 15minutes depressurising time and it turned out exactly as you said it would …. tender, moist and plate-lickin’ delicious!
In the absence of chicken broth I used a chicken stock cube and made it a bit too salty. This was
remedied by adding single cream at the end … naughty but nice! 😂
I’ll be checking out your other videos!
Thank you for your detailed feedback, Irene. I’m, glad that your first time making this recipe was a success!
Can I put 2 whole chickens in the instant pot at the same time for this recipe? Both are around 4 lbs. Oh I love this recipe so much our family of 5 eats it all up but I want leftovers!
Hi! I have not tested this to advise. I would assume that it could work but you might do a quick google search to see if others have tried it and what settings they used. I would increase the stock and double everything. Please share your experience if you try it.
This recipe was easy to follow. I will admit, that most times my Instant Pot, even in all it’s digital glory is still intimidating. However, the steps were easy to follow and my family was happy. The gravy was devine! I fixed my husband a small plate since he always says he isn’t that hungry. I looked over and he was licking the plate. Needless to say, there is one drum stick left,folks!
That’s great! Thank you for sharing with us, Ebony.
Excited to try this tomorrow! I just got an instant pot handed down to me and it’s one of the older versions, there doesn’t seem to be an option for a natural pressure release, should I then cook it longer, then release the pressure once cooked?
Hi Galya, without testing in a different type, It’s hard to make a specific recommendation so you might have to do some experimenting.
My chicken was severely undercooked following these guidelines, so I ended up having to cook it in the oven for upwards of 30 minutes. That was disappointing. However, the gravy is absolutely delicious. Like seriously addictive. I have to figure out how it’s so good!!
Hi Kelsey, if you were using a larger chicken, or a larger instant pot, you would need to adjust for those things and I always recommend checking the internal temperature with a trusted thermometer to check for doneness. The chicken should be fully cooked following this tutorial and the oven portion is just for browning. I’m glad you loved the gravy!
ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!!!! So delicious!!!!! My family could have licked their plates clean they loved it so much! So glad I found you, this recipe was so easy to follow and literally the best chicken I have ever made! Thank you!!
You’re welcome! I’m so happy you enjoyed it, Renee! Thank you so much for sharing that with me.
I really love this recipe, delious. The only thing I find is that my chicken (3/4lbs) does not cook near the bone of the legs and breast. I have done this recipe three times and I’m wondering why? Love the flavor and awesome gravy.
I tried this recipe today for a chicken that was 3.3 lbs. I set the timer for 20 minutes and like you found that the chicken was definitely not done when all was said and done. Disappointing after waiting for the 15 minute natural release and 10 minute rest and I am wondering why too.
Hi Cheryl, I’m sorry, I have not had that experience. Mine is fully cooked by using the guidelines I provided for size and timing. Did you use the full amount of chicken broth? Sometimes if there is not enough liquid, this could cause uncooked chicken. I would also check the seals/gaskets/valve of your instant pot to see if this could be contributing to it. If that all looks ok, you may just need to add more time. I hope this helps.
Thank you for such a quick response Natasha. I did use the correct amount of broth. But thinking upon this later, because I really want to try again (the gravy was so delicious) I may have figured out the issue. The float valve actually dropped before 15 minutes was up so I thought I could move along the steps since the pressure naturally released. Was it crucial to wait that full 15 minutes even though the valve dropped? Maybe this will help others who have faced the same issue.
Hi Cheryl, I would wait it out to give it that full 15 minutes, it’s hard to say without being there that was the culprit.
This is the best instant pot chicken recipe I’ve found. The gravy is incredible! MY husband is a dry meat, no gravy kind of guy and he went for seconds. I’ll definitely make this again and again. Thank you for sharing this!
Wonderful to hear that, Kari. Thank you for sharing that with us!
I never usually leave a comment, however, this by far is the best whole chicken recipe yet! I’ll never roast one in the oven again! I cook this at least 2-3 times/month. The gravy is spectacular! Wouldn’t change a thing on this recipe!
Wow! Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughtful review with me, Vicky! I’m so glad you loved it!
I am excited to try this recipe, but am curious about why it is referenced as a rotisserie chicken. There is no rotisserie method involved. Not trying to be rude, just trying to clarify the correct usage of the word.
Hi Sara, you are correct, technically a rotisserie chicken is roasted rotisserie-style, but the word is also often used to describe a whole cooked chicken.
This recipe was so easy to make and the taste of the chicken was so flavorful!! The gravy was the BEST!! This is a definite keeper. Thank you Natasha
You’re very welcome, Marnie! So happy you enjoyed this recipe. The gravy is so yummy! Thank you for the great review.
I tried this recipe and the chicken was gone! I cook this at least once every two weeks. This recipe is now laminated in the kitchen and on my recipe app. I have given the recipe link out numerous times since the first time we tried it. **HOME RUN**
Love it, Stacy! Thanks for the great review and feedback.
I made this tonight. First recipe in my Instant Pot that I have had for almost 2 years and never used. Thank you for the clear directions that enabled me to try it. It was moist and delicious!
I’m so glad you loved it, Debora!
We made this tonight. Our bellies are happy! Your recipes never disappoint! 💜
Yay, wonderful to hear that! It makes me happy too knowing that you enjoyed your meal.
This chicken is wonderful! I’ve made it twice and my husband and I both love it. Great recipe! It’s a keeper!
That’s so great! It sounds like you have a new favorite, Melissa!
Absolutely love this chicken recipe. It is so flavorful and delicious. The first time I made it I I had to leave for a meeting. I came home and there was no chicken left. I have made this recipe at least six times over the last two months And given this recipe out to numerous friends. Try it you will absolutely love it.
That’s just awesome! Thank you for sharing your wonderful review, Stacy!
I’m normally a fan of roasting a whole chicken the Thomas Keller way….very dry chicken, lots of salt, hot oven. This method produces the crispiest skin.
HOWEVER, please, please try this method. My daughter and I just ate this chicken breast, gravy, mashed potatoes, and asparagus for dinner. Not only did I eat seconds, but I wanted to lick my plate! Juicy and favorable breast, silky gravy and yummy mashers.
I did need to add a little cornstarch and water to get the gravy to thicken up to my liking, but that’s gravy…a little different each time.
Flavor bomb! Better than Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for sharing.
Love the positive feedback. Thanks for the review, I’m happy to know that you loved it!
This is the second time I’ve made this recipe to cook a whole chicken for use in meals for the week. ( I skipped the broiling since I was not using the skin. I also left out the lemon since my kids aren’t a fan.) The meat is juicy, flavorful, and comes right off the bone. Can’t beat how fast it cooks and easy to prep!
Hi Ssabrina, good to hear that you enjoyed this recipe! Thanks a lot for sharing your experience trying this out.
Just like all of NK’s recipes, this one is 5 star! Came out perfectly tender and we loved the gravy with it. Made roasted potatoes, carrots, and onions as a side. Delicious Sunday dinner that even my 2 year old said “yummy, mommy.”
Aaw, so adorable and cute! I’m glad she enjoyed this recipe too!
I was a bit skeptical, but this recipe was great. My deduction of one star was simply due to the amount of salt. I used a salt-free broth, and still found that 2 tsp of salt is just too much. I would cut the salt in half next time I make this and then add salt to taste if necessary. Otherwise, this is a great addition to the weeknight dinner repertoire! Thanks! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Chris! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
I did not think that a recipe with 231 reviews could possibly have 5 stars. I was wrong. This was yummy and easy and leaves lots of room for add ons and opportunities to make it your own. Definitely going to become a regular in our house.
That’s awesome and I’m so happy that you loved it!
I’ve made this at least 6 times over the past few months and every time it’s AMAZING!! So easy, quick, and consistently delicious! I love using the leftovers to make chicken noodle soup. I’ll never buy a pre made rotisserie chicken from the store again!
Wow! That’s so great! It sounds like you have a family favorite!
When I cooked this chicken it made my whole house smell amazing. Wonderful flavors. Such a great recipe ❤️
Seriously! The house smells SO GOOD when making this recipe! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
I used the recipe “as is” for a 7 pound chicken. The only changes were to use 3 cups of broth (the minimum according to the manual to my 10 qt. pressure cooker) and increasing the time to (6 x 7 = 42 minutes.) This recipe is amazing!! It’s my new go-to for roast chicken!! (I’m still perfecting the gravy for the larger quantities of broth generated by the bigger chicken starting with three cups of broth in the larger pressure cooker – but I enjoy a challenge!)
Great to hear that this is your new go-to recipe! I’m happy that you loved it, Judi. Thanks for sharing that with us.
I made the instant pot whole chicken tonight. I wish I could get it looking at pretty as yours. It’s delicious though! I did have to modify the gravy and do a cornstarch slurry because I am gluten intolerant but it still came out delicious too. I paired it with some garlic mashed potatoes and some peas. I love all of your recipes!
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Ashley! I’m so happy you’re enjoying my recipes!
amazingly simple but so tasty!! I didn’t have fresh rosemary or fresh thyme, but substituted poultry seasoning instead- still relish!!! The gravy was heavenly and so good for hit chicken sandwiches the next day!
Thanks, Natasha!!! Winner winner chicken dinner!
I’m so happy you enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing that with us, Reggie!
This recipe looks amazing- I have this electric multifunction pressure cooker I wonder if I can use it instead of an Instant Pot
I hope you try and love it soon, Mary! An Instant Pot is a pressure cooker also, so that should work! I recommend reading through your manual and settings to see if any alterations need to be made.
Just a question. Do you wash your whole chicken or turkey before cooking?
Hi Angela, we do not. We take out the giblets bag from inside the chicken. Pat dry inside and out with paper towels.
Hi Natasha – is it possible to make this same recipe with just chicken breasts? Or do you have to use a whole chicken?
Hi Jordan, the recipe and ingredients are for a whole chicken but you may use just breast too but probably just adjust the measurement of ingredients since this is for a whole chicken.
This was the best and easiest way to cook a whole chicken! My whole family loved it, including picky toddlers. I will be making this for Christmas! You are amazing!!
It is the easiest! Thank you for your lovely review, Michelle!
I love the whole chicken instant pot recipe so much that I tried to do it with two Cornish hens. Kept the recipe exactly the same and cooking times six minutes per pound. Oh my goodness gracious. Amazing results. And everyone got their own little hen.💯❤️
Very nice, thank you for sharing that with us!
I love this idea!! Thank you!!! I can’t wait to try it!!! Sage butter cornish hens!! woohoo!!
This came out absolutely amazing! I didn’t have an actual lemon, so I did 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice in the cavity of the chicken. It came out perfectly! Highly recommend shredding the leftovers for a chicken pot pie ☺️
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Joan! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Best whole chicken recipe!! Only thing I did differently was I used smoked paprika and added more chicken broth so we could more of this AMAZING gravy!! Wow!! Thank you for sharing
You are very welcome, Mike. Thank you too for your awesome feedback!
I sized up the serving size on the recipe before I printed it, as I had an almost 8 pound chicken. I used the time schedule in the notes. However, even though the ingredients are sized-up, the recipe is not. So it says things like, put the seasonings plus one stick of butter (it should’ve been 2, but I didn’t realize the recipe didn’t update). Also, the time was obviously not enough at all – my chicken, although not frozen, was not even close to being cooked. Highly frustrated at this recipe
Hi Meg, the ingredient list is the only thing we can scale – the software that is available for the recipe instructions isn’t sophisticated enough to detect measurements there. When that changes, we will upgrade, but unfortunately, it is the best that is available (that I know of). Thank you for your feedback. Using a much larger chicken definitely needs more time and you would have to calculate that based on the chart provided in the post.
24 minutes isn’t enough time to cook a chicken all the way through on high pressure. Much of our chicken was undercooked and was only evident after we cut into it. Chicken was fully defrosted before commencing. Had to improvise and delayed dinner quite a bit getting everything cooked through.
Hi Tony, normally 24 minutes plus the 15 minutes of natural pressure release is plenty for this size of chicken. If it’s a larger one, I recommend using the time chart above, but the 15 minutes of natural pressure release is important and part of the cooking time so make sure you don’t skip that.
I have tried this recipe twice and love the flavours especially the gravy! I would love to use this recipe somehow to make my gravy after cooking a roast turkey in the oven, any ideas? The gravy was absolutely delicious!
Hi Laura, I think that would work well to add a little broth to the pan and deglaze it then use those pan drippings as you would in this IP chicken gravy recipe.
I have 6qt instant pot with the airfry lid.. Can I use the lid instead of putting the chicken in the oven? Then do the gravy.
Hi Cory! I haven’t tested that myself to advise. If you happen to experiment, I would love to know how it works out!
I made this yesterday and did just that–air fryer lid on for 3 or 4 minutes at 400. Turned out great and super easy!
I’m so happy you enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing that with us!
I do not like chicken very much because I think it isn’t very flavorful and really hard to get to have a good flavor. This chicken is not like that. I have made it SO many times now, shared it with my family and friends, and it is now a staple in all of our homes. I never leave reviews, but I just shared this recipe (again) and thought I should let everyone know it is a must try recipe. This recipe even works well with chicken breasts.
Thanks for your great feedback, Crystal. I’m glad the recipe is always a hit!
I have never commented on a recipe before but this one is amazing…it took me back 35 years to Sunday dinners with my grandparents. Grandma Jo would be proud of my gravy. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for your comments and feedback, Carmen!
I’ve basically followed every ingredient to a T, but since my husband is celiac I was having to use corn starch in stead of flour for the gravy, and let me tell you I LOVE gravy on everything but ever since marrying my husband I made the sacrifice of no flour in anything so I hadn’t eaten good gravy in a while, but all these ingredients mixed together with all those drippings makes the best chicken gravy! Another ingredient I sort of modified on my 3rd time making this, was fresh onions. I just melted my butter and put half an onion and the melted butter in a blender and it created a nice mixture. This is my go to meal. Thank you so much!!
You’re welcome! I’m so happy you enjoyed it, Bri!
Deliciousness!! Best whole chicken i have made EVER!
This sounds delicious. I have one comment/question. I am trying to lose weight and there is a lot of butter in this. Can I omit any of it? Will I still have good results if I do? Thank you in advance.
Hi Sue, I am assuming that should work fine with oil instead of butter. I personally haven’t tested that to advise.
I love this recipe! Works every time. I do add lots of fresh herbs, celery, carrots, onion and garlic to make gravy. If I wanted to add 2 cups of broth instead of 1 cup, what would I do with cooking time?
Hi Kathy, I haven’t tried that so I can’t say for sure but I assume it would be about the same cooking time.
I’d give it a 4 but the 2nd time I made it my wife said 5 stars. I added fresh sage, lots of onion, and celery to the bottom of the pot to add flavor for the gravy. It might have been the most perfect chicken gravy I’ve had. I sautéed some onion and mushrooms at a super high heat to brown fast then made the sauce with the drippings and roux and it was amazing! Next time I’m going to deglaze the pan with white wine before adding the roux.
Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I’m so glad you both enjoyed it!
Absolutely delicious! It was quick and easy to prepare. The chicken came out so moist and tender. I almost didn’t make the gravy, but am so glad I did. The hint of lemon was sublime! I browned the chicken a bit in my air fryer with good results. I’ll definitely be making this again and again !
Love it! I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed this recipe, Lisa. Thank you for your review.
This recipe is ridiculously delicious and easy. It’s my go-to now!
That’s just awesome! Thank you for sharing your wonderful review, Rebecca!
Fabulous, best whole chicken I have made. And spot on 21 minutes for 3.5 lb one. Delicious, thanks so much
Hi Arlene, thank you for your great comments and review! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
I enjoyed the combination of fresh herbs, garlic and lemon and will do that again. I went against my better judgement and added the 8 tablespoons of butter. I’ve never used that much butter when roasting a chicken and wonder why you would. Especially since it is then discarded from the broth for making gravy. It seemed to mute the flavours rather than enhance and made a greasy mouth feel.
I’ve been making roast chicken, and gravy from scratch for 35 years and love how healthful it can be. Perhaps it’s just a matter of personal taste.
Granted, fat carries great flavour, though increasing the seasonings can accomplish that in a healthier way with less waste.
Hi Miri, I’ve never had this give a greasy mouth feel, but the butter does help produce a very juicy chicken. Make sure when making the gravy that you skim off the excess fat before making the gravy.
We just had this – and it was full of flavour! And the gravy – yum! Thanks for this recipe -it’s a keeper!
You’re welcome and great to hear that you loved it!
I seldom leave recipe reviews because I don’t like sharing my email address but I had to for this one.
This is, hands down, the best possible recipe for the best tasting chicken gravy I have EVER had. Freaking delicious!
That’s so great! It sounds like you have a new favorite!
This is a great crowd pleaser. My 8 qt IP was large enough so I added Yukon gold potatoes with the chicken. The gravy was excellent. Definitely going into the rotation when the whole family comes for dinner. Thanks for a great recipe.
Thanks for your review, John. Glad you the recipe was a hit!
Did you put the potatoes in with the chicken, or did you cook them after?
Desert Rose, if it was me I would add the potatoes as the chicken is resting. I would PC for 3 minutes depending on the size. Could also add some carrots.
Hurry up and make this chicken!!! I added a teaspoon of mustard powder to the seasoning and stuffed the cavity with extra rosemary, thyme, and some fresh oregano and marjoram. killer dish
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Sonja!
Hi Natasha! Can i use dried rosemary and thyme?
Hi Joy, that will work too
The best chicken meal! The gravy was outstanding!! My husband isn’t a gravy eater but had 2 servings with gravy. The boy that is home says it’s the butter. Doesn’t matter it was great!
I’m so glad this recipe was a hit, Pat! Thank you so much for sharing that with me.
This was amazing. Followed the recipe. Skin didn’t crisp up but it didn’t matter as the meat was so tender and falling apart. Gravy was really good too💕
Thanks for sharing that with us, Nina. I’m happy to know that you enjoyed this recipe!
Thank you Natasha I am waiting for my instapot to get through cooking and it smells so good in here now I have a question and that is how could we cook the giblets with that and then use them in the gravy , just wondering if you had any ideas
Oh, I bet your home smells so good right now! Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I usually do not include the bag of giblets but remove and discard it. I know there are probably recipes out there for using the giblets, like making gravy but we don’t personally.
Natasha, you are awesome! I sincerely love your recipes and the creative and quality manner in which you teach us how to prepare and cook them. You and your production are “top shelf”! As to the Instant Pot chicken… do you think adding some potatoes and carrots to the Instant pot while cooking the chicken would be okay? If not, please tell us why. Again, thanks for being a GREAT inspiration to your fans and for producing such great videos and recipes! Sincerely, Tom
Hi Tom! That will actually work with this recipe. Here’s what one of our readers wrote: “The flavor of this chicken was wonderful and I put some root vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, onions and then some Brussel sprouts under the chicken to cook as well” I hope you find this helpful!
This was the first instant pot recipe I tried and it came out absolutely perfect! Wouldn’t change a thing. I served it with noodles and we put the gravy on them as well and it was sooo good. I’m so excited about my instant pot now . Thank you Natasha!!!
Yay, that’s great! I’m glad your first try using your instant pot recipe was a success. I hope you’ll love every recipe that you will try!
I was really excited about the instaPot whole chicken recipe. I followed the directions exactly, only substituting olive oil for butter. Might you be able to guess why the breast meat of the chicken turned out stringy and chewy? The chicken was totally fresh, slaughtered one day ago… first ever for me to buy a chicken so fresh…$28!! Didn’t want to wreck it, but something is not right with the texture. Ideas?
Hi T, it’s hard to say with substitutions and not being there if that was the culprit or not, and I haven’t had that experience. I wish I could say it was the butter – but I recommend trying the original recipe with no substitutions.
The chicken likely was cooked to soon after being butchered which would make the chicken tough. We let ours rest several days before cooking to ensure it will be tender and juicy.
Oh my goodness! Learned something really new today Thank you Helen B.
As someone who grows their own chickens for food, I can say that the super fresh ones often turn out tough and stringy. I prefer to let them rest in the fridge for at least 48 hours before cooking.
Hands down my favorite recipe, I try to make it every Sunday! I’m obsessed with how delicious it is, how easy it is and how happy it makes my family, we all look forward to it. Not only is it an amazing dinner but I usually get a couple of days of the best chicken sandwiches out of it and then fresh chicken stock! Cannot say enough nice things about this recipe, so recommended!
Thanks for your good comments and review, Stephanie. I’m glad you loved the recipe!
This is an absolutely full proof recipe that makes a wonderfully addictive gravy. I shared the recipe with my daughter that loves gravy but has a hard time making it. The chicken comes out juicy and the gravy is plentiful as well as tasty.
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Cheryl!
Is the nutrition information per serving? If so, how many servings per 3 pound bird? I really just want to know how many calories per serving and how many ounces per serving. Thanks so much!
Hi Aimee, Yes, the nutrition information is per serving. We made a 4-pound chicken that serves 6.
Oh gosh, I forgot to add the stars!
Hi Natasha! I just made this but with a lot of alterations – I hope it’s ok if I share? I have a 6qt PowerQuick Pot – fantastic appliance. So, I didn’t use butter, but I did use avocado oil. I also cut the chicken in half – because I wanted to do a side-by-side comparison to sous-vide. My spice was Weber’s Kick’N Chicken. I pulled back the skin, dried it all off, sprayed the avocado oil on then added the spice. I did this on the flesh, on the skin and on the bottom side of the chicken. I also placed my chicken on the egg trivet so it wasn’t too close to the liquid. I didn’t have chicken broth. I used 3/4 cup water with about 1/4 cup liquid smoke, 2 fresh bay leaves, dried white sage leaves and stalks, dried rosemary along with a bit of butter emulsion to see if I could detect a butter taste (no – maybe too many flavors). I put the liquid and aromatics in the pot and put it on sauté to warm it up to open the spices – about 5-10 minutes with the lid on – I didn’t want the liquid to evaporate too much. Popped in the chicken and used your time chart to determine length of time. When it was done it smelled amazing. I didn’t want to heat up my place to crisp up the skin, so I put on my air fryer lid and let it go for about 10 minutes, with another spray of avocado oil to help it along. Too bad I can’t add a picture! The flavor is amazing, it is not overcooked. The texture reminds me of what good poached chicken would be like and the skin? Perfect!
Thank you so. much for sharing!
Made this tonight. Delious!. The only thing I would do differently is leave the chicken under the broiler longer
Thanks for your good feedback, Bruce. That sounds good too!
Hi Natasha,
I’m planning to try this recipe tonight but I have two chickens that will fit in my 8 quart ip. If I keep the timing consistent with 6 minutes per pound do you think this will work out ok? Should I add more stock or any other modifications? Thank you!
Hi Karen, that is a great question. I would assume that but I haven’t tested with two chickens in one instant pot. You might do a quick google search to see if others have tried it and what settings they used. I would increase the stock and double everything.
Thanks for this recipe, which I made again tonight. I learned putting the spices inside the skin and broiling afterward from you.
I was out of homemade chicken broth and didn’t want to open a box when I had half a cup of TJ ginger miso broth left in the fridge, so I topped it up with cheap pino grigio… I may have to do that from now on; the gravy was spectacular.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Jack!
Wow. I don’t remember the last time I had chicken that tasted so good. The gravy is to die for. I enjoyed it with a strawberry/feta/almond salad. The flavours were like sunshine 🌞 🙏🏻
I’m so happy you enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing that with us, Kari!
I love this recipe! How can I adapt it using chicken thighs? Mainly just wondering about the cooking time, I plan on using 6 or so pieces of thighs.
Hi Donna, I haven’t tested this recipe with chicken thighs so you might have to reference some instant pot chicken thigh recipes to gauge and experiment with timing.
Quick question!Can I cook frozen chicken too or I have to defrost it first?
Hi Katherine, we have this note in the recipe you may find helpful “If you want to use a frozen chicken, a dry rub would work better like in this Instant Pot Frozen Chicken Recipe from my friend Olena of Ifoodreal”
Hands down the BEST whole chicken I have ever had!! It’s a keeper and will be made often!!
That’s just awesome, Ann! Thank you so much for sharing that wonderful review with me!
Hi it looks delicious but I don’t have the instant pot what can i do please? Thank you
Hi Vanessa, you might enjoy our oven-baked Roast Chicken
Thanks a lot
would it be okay to prepare the day before and let it marinate over night in the fridge?
Hi Sean, I don’t see why not. I think that should work fine but you would want to let it sit at room temp for about 30 min to cook more evenly.
came out great! thank you! 🙂
The absolute best chicken recipe and that gravy, Omg!! Mouth watering!! 👌🏼
I’m so happy you enjoyed that. Thank you for sharing that with us, Sarah!
Amazing recipe! The chicken was so tender and my kids already asked me to make this again. A winner in our family.
Hello Rachel! It’s great to read your great comments and feedback, thank you for sharing that with us!
At this point I’ve tried Instapot whole chickens 2, maybe 3 dozen times. I get some useful meat, a lot of dry stringy meat.
This time I got 100% juicy meat for my white enchiladas and I even accidentally left it on the warm setting for 1.5 hrs while I was at the park. Still came home to a beautiful chicken.
I’m a Natasha’s Kitchen fan now and I’ll be trying out more of your recipes!
Thank you!
I’m so glad you enjoyed that Lily!
I never leave comments on recipes (I always forget), but this was the best Instapot Chicken recipe we’ve ever tried! The flavor was awesome and the gravy was the best I’ve ever made! So good.
Thank you so much for sharing that wonderful review with me, Ethan! I’m happy you enjoyed that!
I have never had luck with cooking a whole chicken, until now! This recipe is a game changer! The chicken was so tender and juicy and the gravy is to die for. This has given me confidence to cook whole chicken again! My entire family loved it! Thank you Natasha for another delicious and easy recipe.
Yay, so perfect! Thanks so much for your awesome comments and feedback, Robyn. I’m glad you finally found your perfect recipe for whole chicken.
This has quickly become a favorite recipe. I’ve made this several times and the chicken is always moist, juicy, and flavorful. The gravy is the best I’ve ever tasted.
Love it! Thank you for your wonderful review and feedback, Mary Ann.
This recipe is awesome, the chicken was juicy and came out really nice. Also, SO EASY. Even for me, who hates cooking.
Don’t you just love easy recipes! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
I’d like to offer a suggestion that I tried and found extremely helpful. First, this is an awesome recipe with the most delicious gravy I’ve every tasted! I wouldn’t change a single ingredient! My tip, after mixing all the spices with the butter – place in fridge until butter sets up to a mushy state. Then massage into and on chicken. You can “push” the butter under the skin and then using your fingers on the outside skin to move it and massage it as you push the mixture around under the skin. Then apply the remaining to the outside skin. Enjoy this flavorful recipe and many thanks to Natasha for sharing it with all of us!
Be thankful, we have been given so much.
Hello Jackson, thank you so much for sharing some suggestions with us. It is very useful information, we appreciate it!
I don’t have an instant pot can I use slow cooker?
Hi Char, You can make this in a slow cooker just following whole chicken slow cooker instructions – it may be a little difficult to transfer to the oven afterward though.
I made this tonight for dinner and it turned out great!! The chicken had great flavor and was so juicy. The gravy had the best flavor. I will be making this again.
Thank you for sharing
Hi Cindy, I’m glad you loved it! Thank you for your wonderful review.
This is our go-to recipe! If I could give it 10 ⭐️ I would! Question: if making for guests and I want to make 2 chickens, could they be roasted in oven using that same butter/herb marinade? Would I end up with enough broth to make the gravy?
Hi Christie, that may work, for oven-roasted chicken, I would recommend roasting at 425 degrees F for 1 hour 30 minutes (for a 5-5 1/2 lb chicken), or until juices run clear when you slice between the leg and thigh. A smaller chicken will roast faster. I highly recommend a meat thermometer since not all chickens are the same in size. The deepest/thickest part of the thigh should read 165˚F. Rest 15-20 minutes before serving after it’s out of the oven.
We cooked this chicken last night, and it was the best we have ever tasted, and we have brough home many rotisserie chickens from the store. This was better.
That’s just awesome! Thank you for sharing your wonderful review!
This has become a family favorite for us! It is so easy that even I, a totally timid cook at best, can pull it off and so yummy that my whole family loves it. The only thing is that I have trouble finding chickens small enough!
I’m happy to hear that! Thanks for your good feedback and for sharing that with us, Danielle.
I found chickens from Costco in the 2 pack fit in my 8 qt nicely!
I only have one cup of the drippings, what can I do to make it to 2 cups?
Hi Brenda, you can add chicken broth to make more gravy.
Absolutely fantastic! I had a 5.5lb chicken and did 33 minutes +15 minute release. Made exactly as written but used all dry herbs as I didn’t have fresh. The gravy was the bomb! Just a note for those commenters about having some redish meat still: some of the dark meat that is near the bone stays a little reddish-brown. When cutting, the juice should run clear. And to be sure, use an instant read thermometer. If you don’t have one – it will become one of your favorite and most useful items! Thanks Natasha!
I’m so glad you found a favorite! Thank you for sharing that with me!
Just learning our instant pot and came across your video. Thank you so much! I made it for my wife. It was so juicy and delicious and very easy! It was so much healthier than the store bought oven roasters! We used half the salt and butter due to diet restrictions. I’ll use the drippings and bones to make broth! Looking forward to trying more of your recipes!
Sounds great! I hope you and your family will love every recipe that you will try, Terry.
Absolutely delicious. And so easy.
I made this for my family and they all loved it. The gravy was different but was delicious as well. My picky son told me he liked it better cooked this way!!!
Thank you so much!
New instant pot user.
Very nice! Thanks for sharing your good feedback with us, Christine!
Just made the chicken. One bad outcome – the chicken literally exploded inside. So, although it was not appetizing to look at, and I had to be sure to fish out all the bones – the chicken was good. The chicken weighed 5.27 lbs. I set the time for 33 minutes, perhaps a minute too long but my wife insists on well cooked food. I’ll try again at some point, and use exact cook time guidelines.
Hi Jim, that is likely due to cooking too long in the instant pot.
Made this tonight. Absolutely delicious! Chicken was so tender, tasty and the gravy was so good. Husband and I both loved it!! I did have to make a few changes; used dried grounded rosemary and thyme spice as I did not have any fresh on hand. Also, had no paprika so I used a maple bacon spice instead.
Well definitely make again; added to my favorite list. 🙂 🙂
I’m so happy to hear that Shirley! Thank you for your wonderful review.
Really delicious recipe. My chicken was about 5.5 pounds so just increase the time slightly. Juice and delish! The gravy was excellent as well. This will be a “go to” recipe.
Adding that I’m serving this as left over, warmed on the stove and it is just as good. One of the first Instant Pot/Pressure Cook recipes I’ve tried that needed no adjustments. Really good.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
That’s so great! It sounds like you have a new favorite!
I gave this a try and it was awesome…my entire family devoured it in minutes…
That’s just awesome, Anita! Thank you for that wonderful review.
I agree with Gina, this was ridiculously yummy. I’m a gravy maniac and this was fabulous. Thanks for the recipe. It’s a keeper!
I’m so glad you found a new favorite, Brenda! Our favorite way to make chicken!
This was ridiculously good! My husband went on and on about it. Thank you for this recipe!
Hi Gina. Wow, that is awesome! Thanks to you and your husband for trying out this recipe and for sharing your great review with us!
What?!?!? This is AMAZING. I ate an entire four pounds of chicken in less than a week. So good! Who knew an instant pot could do this? I didn’t have onion powder so I used about a teaspoon of ginger powder. And I added a little sprinkle of turmeric powder and a few sprinkles of hingvastak. And I put a few tablespoons of ghee in as well. So good! Thank you for making my life easy and delicious!
You’re welcome! It sounds like you found a new favorite!
Easy to make, flavorful….tender, juicy…the gravy was soooo good
Perfect! Thanks for your awesome feedback.
Made this tonight for dinner. Followed the recipe and it was awesome and so easy. Only the broiling didn’t work out so well for me 🙂 Will definitely make this again!
Hi Lis, thanks for sharing your experience making this recipe. Great to hear that you enjoyed it!
Hi Natasha, thank you for the recipe.. making it now.. We’ll see how it turns out 🙂 I really hope you can post the recipe of how to make juicy chicken breast in the slow cooker/instant pot too.. PLEASE 🙂 and Thank you!
Hi Anna! I hope you love this recipe! We look forward to your feedback!
Delish. I made this for my family tonight. So good. We served with garlic-pepper mashed potatoes and corn. Yum!
So yummy and definitely a great combo! I’m glad your family enjoyed this recipe!
I am writing this review for other newbies and things don’t always go perfect as we plan. Let me start by saying this was so awesome and delicious. I ran into several obstacles but it still turned out delicious. My IP didn’t seal correctly for some reason therefore I lost a lot of the water while cooking. When it came time to make the delicious gravy I only yeilded about 1 cup of usuable juice so it came out very salty however I finished it off on the stove and added water and that helped a lot. For some reason the skin on the chicken breast slid off the chicken while cooking so I missed out on the crispy skin but the flavor on the skin was superior. I did brown the chicken in the oven and it came out looking nice and was still very moist and tender. I look forward to cooking this again and perfecting it. I have been buying store bought cooked chickens and this just showed me that while they are ok, this receipe is unbeatable. I plan on using the remainder of the chicken and some of the gravy in a chicken pot pie, I can’t wait. So, even though it did’t go the way I planned it was still absolutely delicious.
Hello there Kap, thank you for sharing your experience with us making this recipe. Good to know that you still enjoyed it despite some challenges! I’m sure that you’ll be able to make this recipe perfect on your next try.
Dear Natasha I am happy of being one your followers you bring the joy to us while cooking so clean so pretty and sooo delecious easy recipes and a lot of varieties I really enjoy watching and learning and trying of course thank you so much keep going
Hello Nada, that is so sweet of you. Thank you for your kind words and support. I really appreciate it!
Fabulous! My 1st try at an Instant Pot Whole Chicken. So juicy and delicious. The gravy came out wonderfully too! We complimented it with sweet potato and green beans 😋
Hi Anastasia, that sounds perfect! That’s a great combo, I’m glad you enjoyed this recipe.
I absolutely loved the flavor of this chicken and the gravy was amazing! My timing didn’t work out quite right and I am wondering if I did it wrong. I am new to pressure cooking. When you say natural release, do you turn the cooker completely off and wait 15 min, or do you keep it going on the “keep warm” feature for 15 min?
Also, does the chicken reach its fully cooked internal temp in the oven or is it supposed to be fully cooked before you broil it?
Hi Elise, once the instant pot is done with the timer, it will automatically start a new counter and you want to let that new counter go for 15 minutes which is the natural pressure release phase. Then release the remaining pressure on the valve (using an oven mitt or tongs for safety) before opening the lid. The chicken should be fully cooked through before broiling.
Thank you for your quick reply! So if the temperature is at 140, how much longer would you cook it to get it up to 165?
Hi Elise, you will have to experiment. Maybe another 5 minutes on high pressure? You could also finish off baking it in the oven to get to the right internal temp before broiling at the end.