La valorisation de l’eau de pluie, grâce aux aménagements au cœur du Campus principal, ainsi que le soutien au transport actif, comptent parmi les éléments qui permettent à l'UdeS de se distinguer. |
Photo : Michel Caron |
15 janvier 2013
L’Université de Sherbrooke se classe 1re au Canada et 6e au
monde au classement international des universités dans le domaine du
développement durable
Le Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric World University Ranking (WUR). Avec 6796,90 points au classement global, l’institution sherbrookoise arrive 1re au Canada, devant l’Université d’Ottawa (6625,46 points) et l’Université York (6620,06 points). Le même classement place l’Université de Sherbrooke au 4e rang mondial parmi les universités situées en milieu urbain.
Le Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric World University Ranking (WUR). Avec 6796,90 points au classement global, l’institution sherbrookoise arrive 1re au Canada, devant l’Université d’Ottawa (6625,46 points) et l’Université York (6620,06 points). Le même classement place l’Université de Sherbrooke au 4e rang mondial parmi les universités situées en milieu urbain.
un immense plaisir de constater que les mesures mises en place à
l’Université de Sherbrooke lui permettent de se situer parmi les
universités les plus innovantes à l’échelle internationale, s’exclame le
vice-recteur au développement durable, Alain Webster. Faire de nos
campus de véritables laboratoires vivants de développement durable
constitue également un élément central de la saine gestion des fonds
publics au 21e siècle et illustre la pertinence de ces approches pour l’ensemble de la société.»
se démarque particulièrement dans trois des six catégories, dont le
GreenMetric WUR tient compte dans son évaluation : la gestion des
matières résiduelles, la gestion de l’eau et le transport durable.
Eau, matières résiduelles et transport durable
saine gestion de l’eau permet à l’Université de Sherbrooke de récolter
la meilleure note dans cette catégorie, soit 1000 points. Le programme
de gestion de l’eau, qui comporte notamment l’installation progressive
d’appareils à faible débit et munis de détecteurs de mouvement sur le
Campus principal, l’élimination graduelle de l’équipement utilisant
l’eau d’aqueduc en continu et l’interdiction de l’arrosage extérieur, a
permis à l’UdeS de se distinguer. De plus, les efforts de l’Université
en ce qui a trait au respect des normes de rejet pour les eaux usées
ainsi qu’à la valorisation de l’eau de pluie, grâce aux aménagements au
cœur du Campus principal et à l’Oasis de verdure au Campus de Longueuil,
ont été reconnus.
Le programme de gestion des matières
résiduelles, qui permet à l’Université d’atteindre un taux de 80 % de
mise en valeur du potentiel valorisable de ces matières, a lui aussi
valu une très belle note. Les 1500 points obtenus par l’UdeS pour cette
catégorie constituent la 3e meilleure note accordée par le
GreenMetric WUR. La gestion des déchets dangereux, le compostage des
matières organiques et le programme de traitement des matières
inorganiques, qui prévoit la réutilisation, le recyclage et la
valorisation de celles-ci, ont été les principaux éléments pris en
compte pour le classement.
En matière de transport, les efforts
faits pour diminuer le nombre de véhicules automobiles circulant sur les
campus, notamment par le libre accès au transport en commun, les
mesures de transport interurbain entre Sherbrooke et Longueuil,
l’introduction de véhicules hybrides ou électriques et les mesures
favorisant le déplacement actif, ont valu à l’UdeS la 10e note au classement.
À propos du GreenMetric WUR
pour la troisième fois en janvier 2013, ce classement compare les
mesures prises par les universités pour favoriser un développement
durable de leurs campus ainsi que leur gestion des enjeux
environnementaux. Il prend en compte un ensemble de critères couvrant
plusieurs dimensions du développement durable en milieu universitaire
comme la gestion de l’énergie et des gaz à effet de serre, la gestion
des matières résiduelles, la gestion de l’eau, le transport durable
ainsi que l’enseignement et la recherche en développement durable.
Les 215 universités participant au GreenMetric WUR sont situées dans 49 pays sur les 5 continents. La 1re place a été attribuée à l’Université du Connecticut, aux États-Unis, avec un total de 7569,39 points.
The Université de Sherbrooke ranks 1st in Canada and the sixth in the world in international rankings of universities in the field of sustainable development,
Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric World University Ranking (WUR). With 6796.90 ranking points overall, the institution Sherbrooke comes 1st in Canada, to the University of Ottawa (6625.46 points) and York University (6,620.06 points). The same ranking places the University of Sherbrooke in 4th place among world universities located in urban areas."It is a great pleasure to see that the measures put in place at the University of Sherbrooke allow it to be among the most innovative universities internationally, exclaims the Vice-President Sustainable Development, Alain Webster. Make our campus veritable living laboratory of sustainable development is also a key element of sound management of public funds in the 21st century and illustrates the relevance of these approaches to the entire society. "The UdeS stands out particularly in three of six categories, including GreenMetric WUR into account in its assessment: waste management, water management and sustainable transportation.
Water, waste and sustainable transportIts sound management of water allows the Université de Sherbrooke reap the highest rating in this category is 1000 points. The program of water management, which shall include the progressive installation of low-flow fixtures and motion sensors fitted on the main campus, the gradual elimination of equipment using water aqueduct continuous and the ban on outdoor watering, UdeS allowed to stand. In addition, the efforts of the University in regard to compliance with discharge standards for wastewater and the recovery of rainwater, thanks to developments in the heart of the main campus and at the Oasis green Longueuil Campus, have been recognized.The program of waste management, which allows the University to achieve a 80% rate of development of potential recoverable from these materials, has also earned a very nice note. 1500 points obtained by the UdeS for this category is the third highest rating awarded by the GreenMetric WUR. Management of hazardous waste, composting of organic materials and treatment program for inorganic materials, which includes reuse, recycling and recovery of these were major factors considered for ranking.Transportation, efforts to reduce the number of motor vehicles on the campus, including free access to public transit, intercity measures between Sherbrooke and Longueuil, the introduction of hybrid and electric vehicles and measures to promote active transportation, have earned the 10th UdeS classification score.
About GreenMetric WURPublished for the third time in January 2013, this ranking compares the measures taken by universities to promote sustainable development of their campus and their management of environmental issues. It takes into account a set of criteria covering several dimensions of sustainable development in academia as energy management and greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, water management, sustainable transport and education and research in sustainable development.The 215 participating universities GreenMetric WUR are located in 49 countries on 5 continents. 1st place was awarded to the University of Connecticut, USA, with a total of 7569.39 points.
The Université de Sherbrooke ranks 1st in Canada and the sixth in the world in international rankings of universities in the field of sustainable development,
Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric World University Ranking (WUR). With 6796.90 ranking points overall, the institution Sherbrooke comes 1st in Canada, to the University of Ottawa (6625.46 points) and York University (6,620.06 points). The same ranking places the University of Sherbrooke in 4th place among world universities located in urban areas."It is a great pleasure to see that the measures put in place at the University of Sherbrooke allow it to be among the most innovative universities internationally, exclaims the Vice-President Sustainable Development, Alain Webster. Make our campus veritable living laboratory of sustainable development is also a key element of sound management of public funds in the 21st century and illustrates the relevance of these approaches to the entire society. "The UdeS stands out particularly in three of six categories, including GreenMetric WUR into account in its assessment: waste management, water management and sustainable transportation.
Water, waste and sustainable transportIts sound management of water allows the Université de Sherbrooke reap the highest rating in this category is 1000 points. The program of water management, which shall include the progressive installation of low-flow fixtures and motion sensors fitted on the main campus, the gradual elimination of equipment using water aqueduct continuous and the ban on outdoor watering, UdeS allowed to stand. In addition, the efforts of the University in regard to compliance with discharge standards for wastewater and the recovery of rainwater, thanks to developments in the heart of the main campus and at the Oasis green Longueuil Campus, have been recognized.The program of waste management, which allows the University to achieve a 80% rate of development of potential recoverable from these materials, has also earned a very nice note. 1500 points obtained by the UdeS for this category is the third highest rating awarded by the GreenMetric WUR. Management of hazardous waste, composting of organic materials and treatment program for inorganic materials, which includes reuse, recycling and recovery of these were major factors considered for ranking.Transportation, efforts to reduce the number of motor vehicles on the campus, including free access to public transit, intercity measures between Sherbrooke and Longueuil, the introduction of hybrid and electric vehicles and measures to promote active transportation, have earned the 10th UdeS classification score.
About GreenMetric WURPublished for the third time in January 2013, this ranking compares the measures taken by universities to promote sustainable development of their campus and their management of environmental issues. It takes into account a set of criteria covering several dimensions of sustainable development in academia as energy management and greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, water management, sustainable transport and education and research in sustainable development.The 215 participating universities GreenMetric WUR are located in 49 countries on 5 continents. 1st place was awarded to the University of Connecticut, USA, with a total of 7569.39 points.
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